- sdl_init Initialization and shutdown.
- quit Quit event handling.
- hints Configuration variables.
- error Error handling.
- log Log handling.
- version Querying SDL version.
- revision SDL revision.
- video Display and window management.
- render 2D accelerated rendering.
- pixels Pixel formats and conversion routines.
- rect Rectangle procedures.
- surface Surface creation and simple drawing.
- clipboard Clipboard handling.
- blendmode BlendMode enumeration.
- messagebox Message box procedures.
- metal Metal interface.
- shape Shaped window API.
- vulkan Vulkan interface.
- sdl_syswm Platform-specific Window Management.
- events Event handling.
- keyboard Keyboard support.
- keycode Keyboard keys and modifiers.
- scancode Keyboard scancodes.
- mouse Mouse support.
- joystick Joystick support.
- gamecontroller Game controller support.
- touch Touch event handling.
- gesture Gesture event handling.
- sensor Sensors support.
- haptic Force feedback support.
- audio Audio device management, playing and recording.
- timer Timer support.
- filesystem Filesystem paths.
- rwops File I/O abstraction.
- loadso Shared object loading and function lookup.
- power Power management status.
- system Platform specific SDL API procedures.
- stdinc Standard procdures.
- locale Locale services.
- misc Procedures that don't fit elsewhere.
- sdl_gfx_framerate Framerate control.
- sdl_gfx_imagefilter MMX image filters.
- sdl_gfx_primitives Graphic primitives.
- sdl_gfx_primitives_font Built-in 8x8 font.
- sdl_gfx_rotozoom Rotozoomer.
- sdl_gpu A library for hardware-accelerated 2D graphics on top of SDL.
- sdl_image A simple library to load images of various formats as SDL surfaces.
- sdl_mixer Multi-channel audio mixer library.
- sdl_net Cross-platform networking library.
- sdl_ttf TrueType font rendering library.
- smpeg SDL2 MPEG playing library.