Multi-channel audio mixer library.
When using SDL_mixer procedures you need to avoid the following procedures from SDL:
- sdl.openAudio()
- Use sdl_mixer.openAudio() instead.
- sdl.closeAudio()
- Use sdl_mixer.closeAudio() instead.
- sdl.pauseAudio()
Use sdl_mixer.pause(-1) and sdl_mixer.pauseMusic() to pause.
Use sdl_mixer.resume(-1) and sdl_mixer.resumeMusic() to unpause.
- sdl.lockAudio()
This is just not needed since SDL_mixer handles this for you.
Using it may cause problems as well.
- sdl.unlockAudio()
This is just not needed since SDL_mixer handles this for you.
Using it may cause problems as well.
You may call the following procedures freely:
- sdl.audioDriverName()
- This will still work as usual.
- sdl.getAudioStatus()
- This will still work, though it will likely return sdl.AUDIO_PLAYING even though SDL_mixer is just playing silence.
It is also a BAD idea to call SDL_mixer and SDL audio procedures from a callback. Callbacks include Effects procedures and other SDL_mixer audio hooks.
Chunk* = ptr ChunkObj
ChunkObj* = object allocated*: cint ## a boolean indicating whether to free abuf when the chunk is freed. ## ## `0` if the memory was not allocated and thus not owned by this chunk. ## ## `1` if the memory was allocated and is thus owned by this chunk. abuf*: ptr uint8 ## Pointer to the sample data, ## which is in the output format and sample rate. alen*: uint32 ## Length of abuf in bytes. volume*: uint8 ## Per-sample volume, ## `0` = silent, `128` = max volume. This takes effect when mixing.
The internal format for an audio chunk
This stores the sample data, the length in bytes of that data, and the volume to use when mixing the sample.
Fading* {...}{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum NO_FADING, FADING_OUT, FADING_IN
Return values from sdl_mixer.fadingMusic() and sdl_mixer.fadingChannel() are of these enumerated values.
If no fading is taking place on the queried channel or music, then MIX_NO_FADING is returned. Otherwise they are self explanatory.
Return values from sdl_mixer.getMusicType() are of these enumerated values.
If no music is playing then MUS_NONE is returned. ## If music is playing via an external command then MUS_CMD is returned. Otherwise they are self explanatory.
These are types of music files (not libraries used to load them).
Music* = pointer
- The internal format for a music chunk interpreted via mikmod
EffectFunc_t* = proc (chan: cint; stream: pointer; len: cint; udata: pointer) {...}{. cdecl.}
This is the prototype for effect processing procedures.
chan The channel number that this effect is effecting now. sdl_mixer.CHANNEL_POST is passed in for post processing effects over the final mix.
stream The buffer containing the current sample to process.
len The length of stream in bytes.
udata User data pointer that was passed in to sdl_mixer.registerEffect() when registering this effect processor procedure.
These procedures are used to apply effects processing on a sample chunk. As a channel plays a sample, the registered effect procedures are called. Each effect would then read and perhaps alter the len bytes of stream. It may also be advantageous to keep the effect state in the udata, with would be setup when registering the effect procedure on a channel.
Your effect changes the contents of stream based on whatever parameters are significant, or just leaves it be, if you prefer. You can do whatever you like to the buffer, though, and it will continue in its changed state down the mixing pipeline, through any other effect procedures, then finally to be mixed with the rest of the channels and music for the final output stream.
DO NOT EVER call lockAudio() from your callback procedure!
EffectDone_t* = proc (chan: cint; udata: pointer) {...}{.cdecl.}
This is the prototype for effect processing procedures.
chan The channel number that this effect is effecting now. sdl_mixer.CHANNEL_POST is passed in for post processing effects over the final mix.
udata User data pointer that was passed in to sdl_mixer.registerEffect() when registering this effect processor procedure.
This is a callback that signifies that a channel has finished all its loops and has completed playback. This gets called if the buffer plays out normally, or if you call haltChannel(), implicitly stop a channel via allocateChannels(), or unregister a callback while it's still playing. At that time the effects processing procedure may want to reset some internal variables or free some memory. It should free memory at least, because the processor could be freed after this call.
DO NOT EVER call lockAudio() from your callback procedure!
- This is the version number const for the current SDL_mixer version.
INIT_FLAC* = 0x00000001
- (.flac) requiring the FLAC library on system - also any command-line player, which is not mixed by SDL_mixer
INIT_MOD* = 0x00000002
- (.mod .xm .s3m .669 .it .med and more) requiring libmikmod on system
INIT_MODPLUG* {...}{.deprecated.} = 0x00000004
INIT_MP3* = 0x00000008
- (.mp3) requiring SMPEG or MAD library on system
INIT_OGG* = 0x00000010
- (.ogg) requiring ogg/vorbis libraries on system
INIT_MID* = 0x00000020
INIT_OPUS* = 0x00000040
- The default mixer has 8 simultaneous mixing channels
- Good default values for a PC soundcard
- Volume of a chunk
- These are the internally-defined mixing effects. They use the same API that effects defined in the application use, but are provided here as a convenience. Some effects can reduce their quality or use more memory in the name of speed; to enable this, make sure the environment variable EFFECTSMAXSPEED (see above) is defined before you call openAudio().
proc linkedVersion*(): ptr Version {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_Linked_Version", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
- This procedure gets the version of the dynamically linked SDL_mixer library. It should NOT be used to fill a version structure, instead you should use the version() template.
proc init*(flags: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_Init", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Loads dynamic libraries and prepares them for use.
flags bitwise OR'd set of sample/music formats to support by loading a library now from sdl_mixer.INIT_*
Initialize by loading support as indicated by the flags, or at least return success if support is already loaded. You may call this multiple times, which will actually require you to call sdl_mixer.quit() just once to clean up. You may call this procedure with a 0 to retrieve whether support was built-in or not loaded yet.
Note: you can call sdl_mixer.init() with the right sdl_mixer.INIT_* flags OR'd together before you program gets busy, to prevent a later hiccup while it loads and unloads the library, and to check that you do have the support that you need before you try and use it.
Note: this procedure does not always set the error string, so do not depend on sdl_mixer.getError() being meaningful all the time.
Return the flags successfully initialized, or 0 on failure.
proc quit*() {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_Quit", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Unloads libraries loaded with init().
This procedure cleans up all dynamically loaded library handles, freeing memory. If support is required again it will be initialized again, either by sdl_mixer.init() or loading a sample or some music with dynamic support required. You may call this procedure when sdl_mixer.load* procedures are no longer needed for the sdl_mixer.INIT_* formats. You should call this procedure for each time sdl_mixer.init() was called, otherwise it may not free all the dynamic library resources until the program ends. This is done so that multiple unrelated modules of a program may call sdl_mixer.init() and sdl_mixer.quit() without affecting the others performance and needs.
Note: Since each call to sdl_mixer.init() may set different flags, there is no way, currently, to request how many times each one was initted. In other words, the only way to quit for sure is to do a loop like so:
# force a quit while sdl_mixer.init(0) != 0: sdl_mixer.quit()
proc openAudio*(frequency: cint; format: uint16; channels: cint; chunksize: cint): cint {...}{. cdecl, importc: "Mix_OpenAudio", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Open the mixer with a certain audio format.
frequency Output sampling frequency in samples per second (Hz). you might use sdl_mixer.DEFAULT_FREQUENCY (22050) since that is a good value for most games. frequency would be 44100 for 44.1KHz, which is CD audio rate. Most games use 22050, because 44100 requires too much CPU power on older computers.
format Output sample format, based on SDL audio support. See audio.nim (AUDIO_*).
channels Number of sound channels in output. Set to 2 for stereo, 1 for mono. This has nothing to do with mixing channels. sdl_mixer.Channels (8) mixing channels will be allocated by default.
chunksize Bytes used per output sample. chunksize is the size of each mixed sample. The smaller this is the more your hooks will be called. If make this too small on a slow system, sound may skip. If made to large, sound effects will lag behind the action more. You want a happy medium for your target computer. You also may make this 4096, or larger, if you are just playing music.
This must be called before using other procedures in this library.
SDL must be initialized with sdl.INIT_AUDIO before this call.
You may call this procedures multiple times, however you will have to call sdl_mixer.closeAudio() just as many times for the device to actually close. The format will not changed on subsequent calls until fully closed. So you will have to close all the way before trying to open with different format parameters.
Return 0 on success, -1 on errors.
proc openAudioDevice*(frequency: cint; format: uint16; channels: cint; chunksize: cint; device: cstring; allowed_changes: cint): cint {...}{. cdecl, importc: "Mix_OpenAudioDevice", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
- Open the mixer with specific device and certain audio format.
proc allocateChannels*(numchans: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_AllocateChannels", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Set the number of channels being mixed.
numchans Number of channels to allocate for mixing. A negative number will not do anything, it will tell you how many channels are currently allocated.
This can be called multiple times, even with sounds playing. If numchans is less than the current number of channels, then the higher channels will be stopped, freed, and therefore not mixed any longer. It's probably not a good idea to change the size 1000 times a second though.
If any channels are deallocated, any callback set by sdl_mixer.channelFinished() will be called when each channel is halted to be freed.
Note: passing in zero WILL free all mixing channels, however music will still play.
Return the number of channels allocated. Never fails... but a high number of channels can segfault if you run out of memory. We're talking REALLY high!
proc querySpec*(frequency: ptr cint; format: ptr uint16; channels: ptr cint): cint {...}{. cdecl, importc: "Mix_QuerySpec", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Get the actual audio format in use by the opened audio device. This may or may not match the parameters you passed to sdl_mixer.openAudio().
frequency A pointer to an int where the frequency actually used by the opened audio device will be stored.
format A pointer to a uint16 where the output format actually being used by the audio device will be stored.
channels A pointer to an int where the number of audio channels will be stored. 2 will mean stereo, 1 will mean mono.
Return 0 on error. If the device was open the number of times it was opened will be returned. The values of the arguments variables are not set on an error.
proc loadWAV_RW*(src: ptr RWops; freesrc: cint): Chunk {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_LoadWAV_RW", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Load src for use as a sample.
This can load WAVE, AIFF, RIFF, OGG, and VOC formats. Using sdl.RWops is not covered here, but they enable you to load from almost any source.
src The source sdl.RWops as a pointer. The sample is loaded from this.
freesrc A non-zero value mean is will automatically close/free the src for you.
Note: You must call sdl.openAudio() before this. It must know the output characteristics so it can convert the sample for playback, it does this conversion at load time.
Return a pointer to the sample as a sdl_mixer.chunk(). nil is returned on errors.
proc loadMUS*(file: cstring): Music {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_LoadMUS", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Load music file to use. This can load WAVE, MOD, MIDI, OGG, MP3, FLAC, and any file that you use a command to play with.
file Name of music file to use.
If you are using an external command to play the music, you must call sdl_mixer.setMusicCMD() before this, otherwise the internal players will be used. Alternatively, if you have set an external command up and don't want to use it, you must call sdl_mixer.setMusicCMD(nil) to use the built-in players again.
Return a pointer to a sdl_mixer.Music. nil is returned on errors.
proc loadMUS_RW*(src: ptr RWops; freesrc: cint): Music {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_LoadMUS_RW", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Load a music file from an RWop object (Ogg and MikMod specific currently).
Matt Campbell ( April 2000
proc loadMUSType_RW*(src: ptr RWops; kind: MusicType; freesrc: cint): Music {...}{. cdecl, importc: "Mix_LoadMUSType_RW", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
- Load a music file from an RWop object assuming a specific format.
proc quickLoad_WAV*(mem: ptr uint8): Chunk {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_QuickLoad_WAV", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Load mem as a WAVE/RIFF file into a new sample.
The WAVE in mem must be already in the output format. It would be better to use sdl_mixer.loadWAV_RW() if you aren't sure.
mem Memory buffer containing a WAVE file in output format.
Note: This procedure does very little checking. If the format mismatches the output format, or if the buffer is not a WAVE, it will not return an error. This is probably a dangerous procedure to use.
Return a pointer to the sample as a sdl_mixer.Chunk. nil is returned on errors.
proc quickLoad_RAW*(mem: ptr uint8; len: uint32): Chunk {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_QuickLoad_RAW", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Load mem as a raw sample.
The data in mem must be already in the output format. If you aren't sure what you are doing, this is not a good procedure for you!
mem Memory buffer containing a WAVE file in output format.
Note: This procedure does very little checking. If the format mismatches the output format it will not return an error. This is probably a dangerous procedure to use.
Return a pointer to the sample as a sdl_mixer.Chunk. nil is returned on errors, such as when out of memory.
proc freeChunk*(chunk: Chunk) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_FreeChunk", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Free the memory used in chunk, and free chunk itself as well. Do not use chunk after this without loading a new sample to it.
chunk Pointer to the sdl_mixer.Chunk to free.
Note: It's a bad idea to free a chunk that is still being played...
proc freeMusic*(music: Music) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_FreeMusic", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Free the loaded music.
music Pointer to sdl_mixer.Music to free.
If music is playing it will be halted. If music is fading out, then this procedure will wait (blocking) until the fade out is complete.
proc getNumChunkDecoders*(): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_GetNumChunkDecoders", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Get a list of chunk/music decoders that this build of SDL_mixer provides.
This list can change between builds AND runs of the program, if external libraries that add functionality become available. You must successfully call openAudio() before calling these procedures. This API is only available in SDL_mixer 1.2.9 and later.
var i: cint const total: cint = getNumChunkDecoders() for i in echo "Supported chunk decoder: [$1]" % [getChunkDecoder(i)]
Appearing in this list doesn't promise your specific audio file will decode...but it's handy to know if you have, say, a functioning Timidity install.
These return values are static, read-only data; do not modify or free it. The pointers remain valid until you call closeAudio().
proc getChunkDecoder*(index: cint): cstring {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_GetChunkDecoder", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Get the name of the indexed sample chunk decoder. You need to get the number of sample chunk decoders available using the sdl_mixer.getNumChunkDecoders() procedure.
index The index number of sample chunk decoder to get. In the range from 0 to sdl_mixer.getNumChunkDecoders()-1, inclusive.
Return the name of the indexed sample chunk decoder. This string is owned by the SDL_mixer library, do not modify or free it. It is valid until you call sdl_mixer.closeAudio() the final time.
proc hasChunkDecoder*(name: cstring): bool {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_HasChunkDecoder", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
proc getNumMusicDecoders*(): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_GetNumMusicDecoders", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Get the number of music decoders available from the sdl_mixer.getMusicDecoder() procedure.
This number can be different for each run of a program, due to the change in availability of shared libraries that support each format.
Return the number of music decoders available.
proc getMusicDecoder*(index: cint): cstring {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_GetMusicDecoder", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Get the name of the index'ed music decoder. You need to get the number of music decoders available using the sdl_mixer.getNumMusicDecoders() procedure.
index The index number of music decoder to get. In the range from 0 to sdl_mixer.getNumMusicDecoders()-1, inclusive.
Return the name of the index'ed music decoder. This string is owned by the SDL_mixer library, do not modify or free it. It is valid until you call sdl_mixer.closeAudio() the final time.
proc getMusicType*(music: Music): MusicType {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_GetMusicType", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Find out the music format of a mixer music, or the currently playing music, if music is nil.
music The music to get the type of. nil will get the currently playing music type.
Tells you the file format encoding of the music. This may be handy when used with sdl_mixer.setMusicPosition(), and other music procedures that vary based on the type of music being played. If you want to know the type of music currently being played, pass in nil to music.
Return the type of music or if music is nil then the currently playing music type, otherwise MUS_NONE if no music is playing.
proc setPostMix*(mix_func: proc (udata: pointer; stream: ptr uint8; len: cint) {...}{. cdecl.}; arg: pointer) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_SetPostMix", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Set a procedure that is called after all mixing is performed.
mix_func The procedure pointer for the postmix processor. nil unregisters the current postmixer.
arg A pointer to data to pass into the mix_func's udata parameter. It is a good place to keep the state data for the processor, especially if the processor is made to handle multiple channels at the same time. This may be nil, depending on the processor.
This can be used to provide real-time visual display of the audio stream or add a custom mixer filter for the stream data.
You may just be reading the data and displaying it, or you may be altering the stream to add an echo. Most processors also have state data that they allocate as they are in use, this would be stored in the arg pointer data space. This processor is never really finished, until the audio device is closed, or you pass nil as the mix_func.
There can only be one postmix procedure used at a time through this method. Use sdl_mixer.registerEffect(CHANNEL_POST, mix_func, nil, arg) to use multiple postmix processors.
This postmix processor is run AFTER all the registered postmixers set up by sdl_mixer.registerEffect().
proc hookMusic*(mix_func: proc (udata: pointer; stream: ptr uint8; len: cint) {...}{. cdecl.}; arg: pointer) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_HookMusic", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Add your own music player or additional mixer procedure.
mix_func Procedure pointer to a music player mixer procedure. nil will stop the use of the music player, returning the mixer to using the internal music players like usual.
arg This is passed to the mix_func's udata parameter when it is called.
This sets up a custom music player procedure. The procedure will be called with arg passed into the udata parameter when the mix_func is called. The stream parameter passes in the audio stream buffer to be filled with len bytes of music.
The music player will then be called automatically when the mixer needs it. Music playing will start as soon as this is called.
All the music playing and stopping procedures have no effect on music after this. Pause and resume will work.
Using a custom music player and the internal music player is not possible, the custom music player takes priority. To stop the custom music player call sdl_mixer.hookMusic(nil, nil).
Note: NEVER call SDL_Mixer procedures, nor sdl.lockAudio(), from a callback procedure.
proc hookMusicFinished*(music_finished: proc () {...}{.cdecl.}) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_HookMusicFinished", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Add your own callback for when the music has finished playing or when it is stopped from a call to mix.haltMusic().
music_finished Procedure pointer to a proc() {.cdecl.}. nil will remove the hook.
This sets up a procedure to be called when music playback is halted. Any time music stops, the music_finished procedure will be called. Call with nil to remove the callback.
Note: NEVER call SDL_Mixer procedures, nor sdl.lockAudio(), from a callback procedure.
proc getMusicHookData*(): pointer {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_GetMusicHookData", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Get the arg passed into sdl_mixer.hookMusic().
Return the arg pointer.
proc channelFinished*(channel_finished: proc (channel: cint) {...}{.cdecl.}) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_ChannelFinished", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Add your own callback when a channel has finished playing.
channel_finished Procedure to call when any channel finishes playback. nil to disable callback. The callback may be called from the mixer's audio callback or it could be called as a result of sdl_mixer.haltChannel(), etc.
Note: NEVER call SDL_Mixer procedures, nor sdl.lockAudio() from a callback procedure.
proc registerEffect*(chan: cint; f: EffectFunc_t; d: EffectDone_t; arg: pointer): cint {...}{. cdecl, importc: "Mix_RegisterEffect", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Register a special effect procedure.
chan Channel number to register f and d on. Use sdl_mixer.CHANNEL_POST to process the postmix stream.
f The procedure pointer for the effects processor.
d The procedure pointer for any cleanup routine to be called when the channel is done playing a sample. This may be nil for any processors that don't need to clean up any memory or other dynamic data.
arg A pointer to data to pass into the f's and d's udata parameter. It is a good place to keep the state data for the processor, especially if the processor is made to handle multiple channels at the same time. This may be nil, depending on the processor.
Hook a processor procedure f into a channel for post processing effects. You may just be reading the data and displaying it, or you may be altering the stream to add an echo. Most processors also have state data that they allocate as they are in use, this would be stored in the arg pointer data space. When a processor is finished being used, any procedure passed into d will be called, which is when your processor should clean up the data in the arg data space.
The effects are put into a linked list, and always appended to the end, meaning they always work on previously registered effects output. Effects may be added multiple times in a row. Effects are cumulative this way.
At mixing time, the channel data is copied into a buffer and passed through each registered effect procedure. After it passes through all the procedures, it is mixed into the final output stream. The copy to buffer is performed once, then each effect procedure performs on the output of the previous effect. Understand that this extra copy to a buffer is not performed if there are no effects registered for a given chunk, which saves CPU cycles, and any given effect will be extra cycles, too, so it is crucial that your code run fast. Also note that the data that your procedure is given is in the format of the sound device, and not the format you gave to openAudio(), although they may in reality be the same. This is an unfortunate but necessary speed concern. Use querySpec() to determine if you can handle the data before you register your effect, and take appropriate actions.
You may also specify a callback (EffectDone_t) that is called when the channel finishes playing. This gives you a more fine-grained control than channelFinished(), in case you need to free effect-specific resources, etc. If you don't need this, you can specify nil.
You may set the callbacks before or after calling playChannel().
Things like setPanning() are just internal special effect procedures, so if you are using that, you've already incurred the overhead of a copy to a separate buffer, and that these effects will be in the queue with any procedures you've registered. The list of registered effects for a channel is reset when a chunk finishes playing, so you need to explicitly set them with each call to playChannel().
You may also register a special effect procedure that is to be run after final mixing occurs. The rules for these callbacks are identical to those in registerEffect(), but they are run after all the channels and the music have been mixed into a single stream, whereas channel-specific effects run on a given channel before any other mixing occurs. These global effect callbacks are call "posteffects". Posteffects only have their EffectDone_t proceudre called when they are unregistered (since the main output stream is never "done" in the same sense as a channel). You must unregister them manually when you've had enough. Your callback will be told that the channel being mixed is (CHANNEL_POST) if the processing is considered a posteffect.
After all these effects have finished processing, the callback registered through setPostMix() runs, and then the stream goes to the audio device.
DO NOT EVER call lockAudio() from your callback procedure!
Return 0 if error (no such channel), nonzero if added.
Error messages can be retrieved from getError().
proc unregisterEffect*(channel: cint; f: EffectFunc_t): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_UnregisterEffect", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Remove the oldest (first found) registered effect procedure f from the effect list for channel.
channel Channel number to remove f from as a post processor. Use sdl_mixer.CHANNEL_POST for the postmix stream.
f The procedure to remove from channel.
This only removes the first found occurance of that procedure, so it may need to be called multiple times if you added the same procedure multiple times, just stop removing when sdl_mixer.unregisterEffect() returns an error, to remove all occurances of f from a channel.
If the channel is active the registered effect will have its sdl_mixer.EffectDone_t procedure called, if it was specified in sdl_mixer.registerEffect().
You may not need to call this explicitly, unless you need to stop an effect from processing in the middle of a chunk's playback.
Posteffects are never implicitly unregistered as they are for channels, but they may be explicitly unregistered through this procedure by specifying CHANNEL_POST for a channel.
Return 0 if error (no such channel or effect), nonzero if removed.
Error messages can be retrieved from getError().
proc unregisterAllEffects*(channel: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_UnregisterAllEffects", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
This removes all effects registered to channel.
channel Channel to remove all effects from. Use sdl_mixer.CHANNEL_POST for the postmix stream.
If the channel is active, all the registered effects will have their sdl_mixer.EffectDone_t procedures called, if they were specified in sdl_mixer.registerEffect().
You may not need to call this explicitly, unless you need to stop all effects from processing in the middle of a chunk's playback. Note that this will also shut off some internal effect processing, since setPanning() and others may use this API under the hood. This is called internally when a channel completes playback.
Posteffects are never implicitly unregistered as they are for channels, but they may be explicitly unregistered through this procedure by specifying CHANNEL_POST for a channel.
Return 0 if error (no such channel), nonzero if all effects removed.
Error messages can be retrieved from getError().
proc setPanning*(channel: cint; left: uint8; right: uint8): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_SetPanning", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Set the panning of a channel.
channel Channel number to register this effect on. Use sdl_mixer.CHANNEL_POST to process the postmix stream.
left Volume for the left channel, range is 0 (silence) to 255 (loud).
right Volume for the right channel, range is 0 (silence) to 255 (loud).
This effect will only work on stereo audio. Meaning you called sdl_mixer.openAudio() with 2 channels (sdl_mixer.DEFAULT_CHANNELS). The easiest way to do true panning is to call sdl_mixer.setPanning(channel, left, 254 - left) so that the total volume is correct, if you consider the maximum volume to be 127 per channel for center, or 254 max for left, this works, but about halves the effective volume.
This procedure registers the effect for you, so don't try to sdl_mixer.registerEffect() it yourself.
Note: Setting both left and right to 255 will unregister the effect from channel. You cannot unregister it any other way, unless you use sdl_mixer.unregisterAllEffects() on the channel.
Note: Using this procedure on a mono audio device will not register the effect, nor will it return an error status.
Setting channel to CHANNEL_POST registers this as a posteffect, and the panning will be done to the final mixed stream before passing it on to the audio device.
Return 0 if error (no such channel or registerEffect() fails), nonzero if panning effect enabled. Note that an audio device in mono mode is a no-op, but this call will return successful in that case.
Error messages can be retrieved from getError().
proc setPosition*(channel: cint; angle: int16; distance: uint8): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_SetPosition", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Set the position of a channel.
channel Channel number to register this effect on. Use sdl_mixer.CHANNEL_POST to process the postmix stream.
angle Direction in relation to forward from 0 to 360 degrees. Larger angles will be reduced to this range using angle mod 360.
- 0 = directly in front.
- 90 = directly to the right.
- 180 = directly behind.
- 270 = directly to the left.
So you can see it goes clockwise starting at directly in front. This ends up being similar in effect to sdl_mixer.setPanning() For efficiency, the precision of this effect may be limited (angles 1 through 7 might all produce the same effect, 8 through 15 are equal, etc).
distance The distance from the listener, from 0 (near/loud) to 255 (far/quiet). This is the same as the ``sdl_mixer.setDistance()`` effect. For efficiency, the precision of this effect may be limited (distance `0 through 5 might all produce the same effect, 6 through 10 are equal, etc).
This effect emulates a simple 3D audio effect. It's not all that realistic, but it can help improve some level of realism. By giving it the angle and distance from the camera's point of view, the effect pans and attenuates volumes. If you are looking for better positional audio, using OpenAL is suggested.
Note: Using angle and distance of 0, will cause the effect to unregister itself from channel. You cannot unregister it any other way, unless you use sdl_mixer.unregisterAllEffects() on the channel.
If the audio device is configured for mono output, then you won't get any effectiveness from the angle; however, distance attenuation on the channel will still occur. While this effect will function with stereo voices, it makes more sense to use voices with only one channel of sound, so when they are mixed through this effect, the positioning will sound correct. You can convert them to mono through SDL before giving them to the mixer in the first place if you like.
Setting channel to sdl_mixer.CHANNEL_POST registers this as a posteffect, and the positioning will be done to the final mixed stream before passing it on to the audio device.
This is a convenience wrapper over setDistance() and setPanning().
Return 0 if error (no such channel or registerEffect() fails), nonzero if position effect is enabled.
Error messages can be retrieved from getError().
proc setDistance*(channel: cint; distance: uint8): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_SetDistance", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Set the distance of a channel.
channel Channel number to register this effect on. Use sdl_mixer.CHANNEL_POST to process the postmix stream.
distance Specify the distance from the listener, from 0 (close/loud) to 255 (far/quiet). A distance of 255 does not guarantee silence; in such a case, you might want to try changing the chunk's volume, or just cull the sample from the mixing process with sdl_mixer.haltChannel().
This effect simulates a simple attenuation of volume due to distance. The volume never quite reaches silence, even at max distance.
Note: Using a distance of 0 will cause the effect to unregister itself from channel. You cannot unregister it any other way, unless you use sdl_mixer.unregisterAllEffects() on the channel.
For efficiency, the precision of this effect may be limited (distances 1 through 7 might all produce the same effect, 8 through 15 are equal, etc).
If you need more precise positional audio, consider using OpenAL for spatialized effects instead of SDL_mixer. This is only meant to be a basic effect for simple "3D" games.
Setting channel to sdl_mixer.CHANNEL_POST registers this as a posteffect, and the distance attenuation will be done to the final mixed stream before passing it on to the audio device.
This uses the registerEffect() API internally.
Return 0 if error (no such channel or sdl_mixer.registerEffect() fails), nonzero if position effect is enabled.
Error messages can be retrieved from getError().
proc setReverseStereo*(channel: cint; flip: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_SetReverseStereo", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Simple reverse stereo, swaps left and right channel sound.
channel Channel number to register this effect on. Use sdl_mixer.CHANNEL_POST to process the postmix stream.
flip Must be non-zero to work, means nothing to the effect processor itself. Set to 0 to unregister the effect from channel.
Causes a channel to reverse its stereo. This is handy if the user has his speakers hooked up backwards, or you would like to have a minor bit of psychedelia in your sound code. :)
Calling this procedure with flip set to non-zero reverses the chunks's usual channels. If flip is zero, the effect is unregistered.
This uses the registerEffect() API internally, and thus is probably more CPU intensive than having the user just plug in his speakers correctly. setReverseStereo() returns without registering the effect procedure if the audio device is not configured for stereo output.
If you specify CHANNEL_POST for channel, then this the effect is used on the final mixed stream before sending it on to the audio device (a posteffect).
Note: Using a flip of 0, will cause the effect to unregister itself from channel. You cannot unregister it any other way, unless you use sdl_mixer.unregisterAllEffects() on the channel.
Return 0 if error (no such channel or registerEffect() fails), nonzero if reversing effect is enabled. Note that an audio device in mono mode is a no-op, but this call will return successful in that case.
Error messages can be retrieved from getError().
proc reserveChannels*(num: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_ReserveChannels", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Reserve num channels from being used when playing samples when passing in -1 as a channel number to playback procedures. The channels are reserved starting from channel 0 to num-1. Passing in 0 will unreserve all channels. Normally SDL_mixer starts without any channels reserved.
num Number of channels to reserve from default mixing. 0 removes all reservations.
The following procedures are affected by this setting:
- sdl_mixer.playChannel()
- sdl_mixer.playChannelTimed()
- sdl_mixer.fadeInChannel()
- sdl_mixer.fadeInChannelTimed()
Return the number of channels reserved. Never fails, but may return less channels than you ask for, depending on the number of channels previously allocated.
proc groupChannel*(which: cint; tag: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_GroupChannel", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Add which channel to group tag, or reset it's group to the default group tag (-1).
which Channel number of channels to assign tag to.
tag A group number. Any positive numbers (including zero). -1 is the default group. Use -1 to remove a group tag essentially.
Return 1 on success. 0 is returned when the channel specified is invalid.
proc groupChannels*(ch_from: cint; ch_to: cint; tag: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_GroupChannels", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Add channels starting at ch_from up through ch_to to group tag, or reset it's group to the default group tag (-1).
ch_from First Channel number of channels to assign tag to. Must be less or equal to ch_to.
ch_to Last Channel number of channels to assign tag to. Must be greater or equal to ch_from.
tag A group number. Any positive numbers (including zero). -1 is the default group. Use -1 to remove a group tag essentially.
Return the number of tagged channels on success. If that number is less than ch_to - ch_from + 1 then some channels were no tagged because they didn't exist.
proc groupAvailable*(tag: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_GroupAvailable", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Finds the first available (not playing) channel in a group tag.
tag group number. Any positive numbers (including zero). -1 will search ALL channels.
Return the channel found on success. -1 is returned when no channels in the group are available.
proc groupCount*(tag: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_GroupCount", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Count the number of channels in group tag.
tag A group number. Any positive numbers (including zero). -1 will count ALL channels.
Return the number of channels in a group. This procedure never fails. This is also a subtle way to get the total number of channels when tag is -1.
proc groupOldest*(tag: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_GroupOldest", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Find the "oldest" sample playing in a group tag.
tag A group number. Any positive numbers (including zero). -1 will search ALL channels.
Return the channel found on success. -1 is returned when no channels in the group are playing or the group is empty.
proc groupNewer*(tag: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_GroupNewer", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Find the "most recent" (i.e. last) sample playing in a group tag.
tag A group number. Any positive numbers (including zero). -1 will search ALL channels.
Return the channel found on success. -1 is returned when no channels in the group are playing or the group is empty.
proc playChannelTimed*(channel: cint; chunk: Chunk; loops: cint; ticks: cint): cint {...}{. cdecl, importc: "Mix_PlayChannelTimed", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
The same as sdl_mixer.playChannel(), but the sound is played at most ticks milliseconds.
channel Channel to play on, or -1 for the first free unreserved channel.
chunk Sample to play.
loops Number of loops, -1 is infinite loops. Passing 1 here plays the sample twice (1 loop).
ticks Millisecond limit to play sample, at most. If not enough loops or the sample chunk is not long enough, then the sample may stop before this timeout occurs. -1 means play forever.
If the sample is long enough and has enough loops then the sample will stop after ticks milliseconds. Otherwise this procedure is the same as sdl_mixer.playChannel().
Return the channel the sample is played on. On any errors, -1 is returned.
proc playMusic*(music: Music; loops: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_PlayMusic", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Play the loaded music loops times through from start to finish.
music Pointer to sdl_mixer.Music to play.
loops Number of times to play through the music. 0 plays the music zero times. -1 plays the music forever (or as close as it can get to that).
The previous music will be halted, or if fading out it waits (blocking) for that to finish.
Return 0 on success, or -1 on errors.
proc fadeInMusic*(music: Music; loops: cint; ms: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_FadeInMusic", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Fade in over ms milliseconds of time, the loaded music, playing it loops times through from start to finish.
music Pointer to sdl_mixer.Music to play.
loops Number of times to play through the music. 0 plays the music zero times. -1 plays the music forever (or as close as it can get to that).
ms Milliseconds for the fade-in effect to complete.
The fade in effect only applies to the first loop.
Any previous music will be halted, or if it is fading out it will wait (blocking) for the fade to complete. This procedure is the same as sdl_mixer.fadeInMusicPos(music, loops, ms, 0).
Return 0 on success, or -1 on errors.
proc fadeInMusicPos*(music: Music; loops: cint; ms: cint; position: cdouble): cint {...}{. cdecl, importc: "Mix_FadeInMusicPos", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Fade in over ms milliseconds of time, the loaded music, playing it loops times through from start to finish.
music Pointer to sdl_mixer.Music to play.
loops Number of times to play through the music. 0 plays the music zero times. -1 plays the music forever (or as close as it can get to that).
ms Milliseconds for the fade-in effect to complete.
position Posistion to play from, see sdl_mixer.setMusicPosition() for meaning.
The fade in effect only applies to the first loop.
The first time the music is played, it posistion will be set to posistion, which means different things for different types of music files, see sdl_mixer.setMusicPosition() for more info on that.
Any previous music will be halted, or if it is fading out it will wait (blocking) for the fade to complete.
Return 0 on success, or -1 on errors.
proc fadeInChannelTimed*(channel: cint; chunk: Chunk; loops: cint; ms: cint; ticks: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_FadeInChannelTimed", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
The same as sdl_mixer.fadeInChannel(), but the sound is played at most ticks milliseconds.
channel Channel to play on, or -1 for the first free unreserved channel.
chunk Sample to play.
loops Number of loops, -1 is infinite loops. Passing 1 here plays the sample twice (1 loop).
ms Milliseconds of time that the fade-in effect should take to go from silence to full volume.
ticks Millisecond limit to play sample, at most. If not enough loops or the sample chunk is not long enough, then the sample may stop before this timeout occurs. -1 means play forever.
If the sample is long enough and has enough loops then the sample will stop after ticks milliseconds. Otherwise this procedures is the same as sdl_mixer.fadeInChannel().
Return the channel the sample is played on. On any errors, -1 is returned.
proc volume*(channel: cint; volume: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_Volume", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Set the volume for any allocated channel.
channel Channel to set mix volume for. -1 will set the volume for all allocated channels.
volume The volume to use from 0 to sdl_mixer.MAX_VOLUME (128). If greater than sdl_mixer.MAX_VOLUME, then it will be set to sdl_mixer.MAX_VOLUME. If less than 0 then the volume will not be set.
If channel is -1 then all channels at are set at once. The volume is applied during the final mix, along with the sample volume. So setting this volume to 64 will halve the output of all samples played on the specified channel. All channels default to a volume of 128, which is the max. Newly allocated channels will have the max volume set, so setting all channels volumes does not affect subsequent channel allocations.
Return current volume of the channel. If channel is -1, the average volume is returned.
proc volumeChunk*(chunk: Chunk; volume: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_VolumeChunk", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Set chunk.volume to volume.
The volume setting will take effect when the chunk is used on a channel, being mixed into the output.
chunk Pointer to the sdl_mixer.chunk to set the volume in.
volume The volume to use from 0 to sdl_mixer.MAX_VOLUME (128). If greater than sdl_mixer.MAX_VOLUME, then it will be set to sdl_mixer.MAX_VOLUME. If less than 0 then chunk.volume will not be set.
Return previous chunk.volume setting. If you passed a negative value for volume then this volume is still the current volume for the chunk.
proc volumeMusic*(volume: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_VolumeMusic", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Set the volume to volume, if it is 0 or greater, and return the previous volume setting.
volume Music volume, from 0 to sdl_mixer.MAX_VOLUME (128). Values greater than sdl_mixer.MAX_VOLUME will use sdl_mixer.MAX_VOLUME. -1 does not set the volume, but does return the current volume setting.
Setting the volume during a fade will not work, the faders use this procedure to perform their effect!
Setting volume while using an external music player set by sdl_mixer.setMusicCMD() will have no effect, and sdl_mixer.getError() will show the reason why not.
Return the previous volume setting.
proc haltChannel*(channel: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_HaltChannel", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Halt channel playback, or all channels if -1 is passed in.
channel Channel to stop playing, or -1 for all channels.
Any callback set by sdl_mixer.channelFinished() will be called.
Return always returns zero. (kinda silly)
proc haltGroup*(tag: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_HaltGroup", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Halt playback on all channels in group tag.
tag Group to fade out. Note: -1 will NOT halt all channels. Use sdl_mixer.haltChannel(-1) for that instead.
Any callback set by sdl_mixer.channelFinished() will be called once for each channel that stops.
Return always returns zero. (more silly than sdl_mixer.haltChannel())
proc haltMusic*(): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_HaltMusic", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Halt playback of music.
This interrupts music fader effects.
Any callback set by sdl_mixer.hookMusicFinished() will be called when the music stops.
Return always returns zero. (even more silly than sdl_mixer.haltGroup())
proc expireChannel*(channel: cint; ticks: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_ExpireChannel", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Halt channel playback, or all channels if -1 is passed in, after ticks milliseconds.
channel Channel to stop playing, or -1 for all channels.
ticks Millisecons until channel(s) halt playback.
Any callback set by sdl_mixer.channelFinished() will be called when the channel expires.
Return number of channels set to expire. Whether or not they are active.
proc fadeOutChannel*(which: cint; ms: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_FadeOutChannel", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Gradually fade out which channel over ms milliseconds starting from now.
channel Channel to fade out, or -1 to fade all channels out.
ms Milliseconds of time that the fade-out effect should take to go to silence, starting now.
The channel will be halted after the fade out is completed. Only channels that are playing are set to fade out, including paused channels.
Any callback set by sdl_mixer.channelFinished() will be called when the channel finishes fading out.
Return the number of channels set to fade out.
proc fadeOutGroup*(tag: cint; ms: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_FadeOutGroup", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Gradually fade out channels in group tag over ms milliseconds starting from now.
tag Group to fade out. Note: -1 will NOT fade all channels out. Use sdl_mixer.fadeOutChannel(-1) for that instead.
ms Milliseconds of time that the fade-out effect should take to go to silence, starting now.
The channels will be halted after the fade out is completed. Only channels that are playing are set to fade out, including paused channels. Any callback set by sdl_mixer.channelFinished() will be called when each channel finishes fading out.
Return the number of channels set to fade out.
proc fadeOutMusic*(ms: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_FadeOutMusic", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Gradually fade out the music over ms milliseconds starting from now.
ms Milliseconds of time that the fade-out effect should take to go to silence, starting now.
The music will be halted after the fade out is completed. Only when music is playing and not fading already are set to fade out, including paused channels.
Any callback set by sdl_mixer.hookMusicFinished() will be called when the music finishes fading out.
Return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
proc fadingMusic*(): Fading {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_FadingMusic", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Tells you if music is fading in, out, or not at all.
Does not tell you if the channel is playing anything, or paused, so you'd need to test that separately.
Return the fading status. Never returns an error.
proc fadingChannel*(which: cint): Fading {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_FadingChannel", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Tells you if which channel is fading in, out, or not. Does not tell you if the channel is playing anything, or paused, so you'd need to test that separately.
which Channel to get the fade activity status from. -1 is not valid, and will probably crash the program.
Return the fading status. Never returns an error.
proc pause*(channel: cint) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_Pause", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Pause channel, or all playing channels if -1 is passed in. You may still halt a paused channel.
channel Channel to pause on, or -1 for all channels.
Note: Only channels which are actively playing will be paused.
proc resume*(channel: cint) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_Resume", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Unpause channel, or all playing and paused channels if -1 is passed in.
channel Channel to resume playing, or -1 for all channels.
proc paused*(channel: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_Paused", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Tells you if channel is paused, or not.
channel Channel to test whether it is paused or not. -1 will tell you how many channels are paused.
Note: Does not check if the channel has been halted after it was paused, which may seem a little weird.
Return 0 if the channel is not paused. Otherwise if you passed in -1, the number of paused channels is returned. If you passed in a specific channel, then 1 is returned if it is paused.
proc pauseMusic*() {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_PauseMusic", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Pause the music playback. You may halt paused music.
Note: Music can only be paused if it is actively playing.
proc resumeMusic*() {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_ResumeMusic", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
- Unpause the music. This is safe to use on halted, paused, and already playing music.
proc rewindMusic*() {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_RewindMusic", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Rewind the music to the start. This is safe to use on halted, paused, and already playing music.
It is not useful to rewind the music immediately after starting playback, because it starts at the beginning by default.
This procedure only works for these streams: MOD, OGG, MP3, Native MIDI.
proc pausedMusic*(): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_PausedMusic", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Tells you if music is paused, or not.
Note: Does not check if the music was been halted after it was paused, which may seem a little weird.
Return 0 if music is not paused. 1 if it is paused.
proc setMusicPosition*(position: cdouble): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_SetMusicPosition", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Set the current position in the music stream.
position Posistion to play from.
The position takes different meanings for different music sources. It only works on the music sources listed below.
- The cdouble is cast to uint16 and used for a pattern number in the module. Passing zero is similar to rewinding the song.
- Jumps to position seconds from the beginning of the song.
- MP3
- Jumps to position seconds from the current position in the stream. So you may want to call sdl_mixer.rewindMusic() before this. Does not go in reverse. Negative values do nothing.
This procedurre is only implemented for MOD music formats (set pattern order number) and for OGG, FLAC, MP3_MAD, MPD_MPG and MODPLUG music (set position in seconds), at the moment.
Return 0 on success, or -1 if the codec doesn't support this procedure.
proc playing*(channel: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_Playing", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Tells you if channel is playing, or not.
channel Channel to test whether it is playing or not. -1 will tell you how many channels are playing.
Note: Does not check if the channel has been paused.
Return 0 if the channel is not playing. Otherwise if you passed in -1, the number of channels playing is returned. If you passed in a specific channel, then 1 is returned if it is playing.
proc playingMusic*(): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_PlayingMusic", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Tells you if music is actively playing, or not.
Note: Does not check if the channel has been paused.
Return 0 if the music is not playing, or 1 if it is playing.
proc setMusicCMD*(command: cstring): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_SetMusicCMD", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Stop music and set external music playback command.
command System command to play the music. Should be a complete command, as if typed in to the command line, but it should expect the filename to be added as the last argument. nil will turn off using an external command for music, returning to the internal music playing functionality.
Setup a command line music player to use to play music. Any music playing will be halted.
The music file to play is set by calling sdl_mixer.loadMUS(filename), and the filename is appended as the last argument on the commandline. This allows you to reuse the music command to play multiple files.
The command will be sent signals SIGTERM to halt, SIGSTOP to pause, and SIGCONT to resume. The command program should react correctly to those signals for it to function properly with SDL_Mixer.
sdl_mixer.volumeMusic() has no effect when using an external music player, and sdl_mixer.getError() will have an error code set. You should set the music volume in the music player's command if the music player supports that. Looping music works, by calling the command again when the previous music player process has ended. Playing music through a command uses a forked process to execute the music command.
To use the internal music players set the command to nil.
Note: External music is not mixed by SDL_mixer, so no post-processing hooks will be for music.
Note: Playing music through an external command may not work if the sound driver does not support multiple openings of the audio device, since SDL_Mixer already has the audio device open for playing samples through channels.
Note: Commands are not totally portable, so be careful.
Return 0 on success, or -1 on any errors, such as running out of memory.
proc setSynchroValue*(value: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_SetSynchroValue", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
- Synchro value is set by MikMod from modules while playing.
proc getSynchroValue*(): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_GetSynchroValue", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
proc setSoundFonts*(paths: cstring): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_SetSoundFonts", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
- Set SoundFonts paths to use by supported MIDI backends.
proc getSoundFonts*(): cstring {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_GetSoundFonts", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
- Get SoundFonts paths to use by supported MIDI backends.
proc eachSoundFont*(function: proc (a2: cstring; a3: pointer): cint {...}{.cdecl.}; data: pointer): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_EachSoundFont", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
- Iterate SoundFonts paths to use by supported MIDI backends.
proc getChunk*(channel: cint): Chunk {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_GetChunk", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Get the most recent sample chunk pointer played on channel. This pointer may be currently playing, or just the last used.
channel Channel to get the current sdl_mixer.Chunk playing. -1 is not valid, but will not crash the program.
Note: The actual chunk may have been freed, so this pointer may not be valid anymore.
Return pointer to the sdl_mixer.Chunk. nil is returned if the channel is not allocated, or if the channel has not played any samples yet.
proc closeAudio*() {...}{.cdecl, importc: "Mix_CloseAudio", dynlib: SDL2_MIX_LIB.}
Shutdown and cleanup the mixer API.
After calling this all audio is stopped, the device is closed, and the SDL_mixer procedures should not be used. You may, of course, use sdl_mixer.openAudio() to start the functionality again.
Note: This procedure doesn't do anything until you have called it the same number of times that you called sdl_mixer.openAudio(). You may use sdl_mixer.querySpec() to find out how many times sdl_mixer.closeAudio() needs to be called before the device is actually closed.
template versionAtLeast*(x, y, z: untyped): untyped
- This template will evaluate to true if compiled with SDL_mixer at least X.Y.Z.
template loadWAV_RW*(src: ptr RWops; freesrc: bool): Chunk
template loadWAV*(file: untyped): untyped
Load file for use as a sample. This is actually sdl_mixer.loadWAV_RW(sdl.rwFromFile(file, "rb"), 1). This can load WAVE, AIFF, RIFF, OGG, and VOC files.
file File name to load sample from.
Note: You must call sdl.openAudio() before this. It must know the output characteristics so it can convert the sample for playback, it does this conversion at load time.
Return a pointer to the sample as a sdl_mixer.Chunk. nil is returned on errors.
template loadMUS_RW*(src: ptr RWops; freesrc: bool): Music
template loadMUSType_RW*(src: ptr RWops; kind: MusicType; freesrc: bool): Music
template playChannel*(channel, chunk, loops: untyped): untyped
Play chunk on channel, or if channel is -1, pick the first free unreserved channel.
channel Channel to play on, or -1 for the first free unreserved channel.
chunk Sample to play.
loops Number of loops, -1 is infinite loops. Passing 1 here plays the sample twice (1 loop).
The sample will play for loops + 1 number of times, unless stopped by halt, or fade out, or setting a new expiration time of less time than it would have originally taken to play the loops, or closing the mixer.
Note: this just calls sdl_mixer.playChannelTimed() with ticks set to -1.
Return the channel the sample is played on. On any errors, -1 is returned.
template fadeInChannel*(channel, chunk, loops, ms: untyped): untyped
Play chunk on channel, or if channel is -1, pick the first free unreserved channel.
channel Channel to play on, or -1 for the first free unreserved channel.
chunk Sample to play.
loops Number of loops, -1 is infinite loops. Passing 1 here plays the sample twice (1 loop).
ms Milliseconds of time that the fade-in effect should take to go from silence to full volume.
The channel volume starts at 0 and fades up to full volume over ms milliseconds of time. The sample may end before the fade-in is complete if it is too short or doesn't have enough loops. The sample will play for loops + 1 number of times, unless stopped by halt, or fade out, or setting a new expiration time of less time than it would have originally taken to play the loops, or closing the mixer.
Note: this just calls sdl_mixer.fadeInChannelTimed() with ticks set to -1.
Return the channel the sample is played on. On any errors, -1 is returned.
template setError*(fmt: untyped): cint
template getError*(): cstring
template clearError*()