

Include file for SDL keyboard event handling.


Keysym* = object
  scancode*: Scancode        ## SDL physical key code - see ``Scancode`` for details
  sym*: Keycode              ## SDL virtual key code - see ``Keycode`` for details
  mods*: uint16              ## current key modifiers
  unused*: uint32

The SDL keysym object, used in key events.

Note: If you are looking for translated character input, see the TEXTINPUT event.


proc getKeyboardFocus*(): ptr Window {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetKeyboardFocus",
                                       dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}
Get the window which currently has keyboard focus.
proc getKeyboardState*(numkeys: ptr cint): ptr array[, uint8] {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetKeyboardState", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}

Get a snapshot of the current state of the keyboard.

numkeys if non-nil, receives the length of the returned array.

Return an array of key states. Indexes into this array are obtained by using Scancode values.


let state = getKeyboardState(nil)
if state[SCANCODE_RETURN] > 0:
  echo "<RETURN> is pressed."
proc getModState*(): Keymod {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetModState",
                              dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}
Get the current key modifier state for the keyboard.
proc setModState*(modstate: Keymod) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_SetModState",
                                      dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}

Set the current key modifier state for the keyboard.

Note: This does not change the keyboard state, only the key modifier flags.

proc getKeyFromScancode*(scancode: Scancode): Keycode {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "SDL_GetKeyFromScancode", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}

Get the key code corresponding to the given scancode according to the current keyboard layout.

See Keycode for details.

See also:


proc getScancodeFromKey*(key: Keycode): Scancode {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "SDL_GetScancodeFromKey", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}

Get the scancode corresponding to the given key code according to the current keyboard layout.

See Scancode for details.

See also:


proc getScancodeName*(scancode: Scancode): cstring {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "SDL_GetScancodeName", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}

Get a human-readable name for a scancode.

Return a pointer to the name for the scancode. If the scancode doesn't have a name, this procedure returns an empty string ("").

See also:


proc getScancodeFromName*(name: cstring): Scancode {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "SDL_GetScancodeFromName", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}

Get a scancode from a human-readable name.

Return scancode, or SCANCODE_UNKNOWN if the name wasn't recognized.

See also:


proc getKeyName*(key: Keycode): cstring {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetKeyName",
    dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}

Get a human-readable name for a key.

Return a pointer to a UTF-8 string that stays valid at least until the next call to this procedure. If you need it around any longer, you must copy it. If the key doesn't have a name, this procedure returns an empty string ("").

See also:


proc getKeyFromName*(name: cstring): Keycode {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "SDL_GetKeyFromName", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}

Get a key code from a human-readable name.

Return key code, or K_UNKNOWN if the name wasn't recognized.

See also:


proc startTextInput*() {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_StartTextInput", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}

Start accepting Unicode text input events.

This procedure will show the on-screen keyboard if supported.

See also:




proc isTextInputActive*(): bool {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_IsTextInputActive",
                                  dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}

Return whether or not Unicode text input events are enabled.

See also:



proc stopTextInput*() {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_StopTextInput", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}

Stop receiving any text input events.

This procedure will hide the on-screen keyboard if supported.

See also:



proc setTextInputRect*(rect: ptr Rect) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_SetTextInputRect",
    dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}

Set the rectangle used to type Unicode text inputs.

This is used as a hint for IME and on-screen keyboard placement.

See also:


proc hasScreenKeyboardSupport*(): bool {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "SDL_HasScreenKeyboardSupport", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}

Returns whether the platform has some screen keyboard support.

Return true if some keyboard support is available else false.

Note: Not all screen keyboard procedures are supported on all platforms.

See also:


proc isScreenKeyboardShown*(window: ptr Window): bool {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "SDL_IsScreenKeyboardShown", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}

Returns whether the screen keyboard is shown for given window.

window The window for which screen keyboard should be queried.

Return true if screen keyboard is shown else false.

See also:



template `[]`*[Idx, T](a: array[Idx, T]; x: Scancode): T