Include file for SDL event handling.
EventType* = EventKind
EventKind* {...}{.size: sizeof(uint32).} = enum FIRSTEVENT = 0, ## Unused (do not remove) QUIT = 0x00000100, ## User-requested quit APP_TERMINATING, ## The application is being terminated by the OS ## Called on iOS in ``applicationWillTerminate()`` ## Called on Android in ``onDestroy()`` APP_LOWMEMORY, ## The application is low on memory, free memory if possible. ## Called on iOS in ``applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning()`` ## Called on Android in ``onLowMemory()`` APP_WILLENTERBACKGROUND, ## The application is about to enter the background ## Called on iOS in ``applicationWillResignActive()`` ## Called on Android in ``onPause()`` APP_DIDENTERBACKGROUND, ## The application did enter the background ## and may not get CPU for some time ## Called on iOS in ``applicationDidEnterBackground()`` ## Called on Android in ``onPause()`` APP_WILLENTERFOREGROUND, ## The application is about to enter the foreground ## Called on iOS in ``applicationWillEnterForeground()`` ## Called on Android in ``onResume()`` APP_DIDENTERFOREGROUND, ## The application is now interactive ## Called on iOS in ``applicationDidBecomeActive()`` ## Called on Android ``in onResume()`` LOCALECHANGED, ## The user's locale preferences have changed. DISPLAYEVENT = 0x00000150, ## Display state change WINDOWEVENT = 0x00000200, ## Window state change SYSWMEVENT, ## System specific event KEYDOWN = 0x00000300, ## Key pressed KEYUP, ## Key released TEXTEDITING, ## Keyboard text editing (composition) TEXTINPUT, ## Keyboard text input KEYMAPCHANGED, ## Keymap changed due to a system event such as ## an input language or keyboard layout change. MOUSEMOTION = 0x00000400, ## Mouse moved MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, ## Mouse button pressed MOUSEBUTTONUP, ## Mouse button released MOUSEWHEEL, ## Mouse wheel motion JOYAXISMOTION = 0x00000600, ## Joystick axis motion JOYBALLMOTION, ## Joystick trackball motion JOYHATMOTION, ## Joystick hat position change JOYBUTTONDOWN, ## Joystick button pressed JOYBUTTONUP, ## Joystick button released JOYDEVICEADDED, ## A new joystick has been inserted into the system JOYDEVICEREMOVED, ## An opened joystick has been removed CONTROLLERAXISMOTION = 0x00000650, ## Game controller axis motion CONTROLLERBUTTONDOWN, ## Game controller button pressed CONTROLLERBUTTONUP, ## Game controller button released CONTROLLERDEVICEADDED, ## A new Game controller has been inserted into the system CONTROLLERDEVICEREMOVED, ## An opened Game controller has been removed CONTROLLERDEVICEREMAPPED, ## The controller mapping was updated CONTROLLERTOUCHPADDOWN, ## Game controller touchpad was touched CONTROLLERTOUCHPADMOTION, ## Game controller touchpad finger was moved CONTROLLERTOUCHPADUP, ## Game controller touchpad finger was lifted CONTROLLERSENSORUPDATE, ## Game controller sensor was updated FINGERDOWN = 0x00000700, FINGERUP, FINGERMOTION, DOLLARGESTURE = 0x00000800, DOLLARRECORD, MULTIGESTURE, CLIPBOARDUPDATE = 0x00000900, ## The clipboard changed DROPFILE = 0x00001000, ## The system requests a file open DROPTEXT, ## Text/plain drag-and-drop event DROPBEGIN, ## A new set of drops is beginning (`nil` filename) DROPCOMPLETE, ## Current set of drops is now complete (`nil` filename) AUDIODEVICEADDED = 0x00001100, ## A new audio device is available AUDIODEVICEREMOVED, ## An audio device has been removed SENSORUPDATE = 0x00001200, ## A sensor was updated RENDER_TARGETS_RESET = 0x00002000, ## The render targets have been reset ## and their contents need to be updated RENDER_DEVICE_RESET, ## The device has beed reset and all textures need ## to be recreated USEREVENT = 0x00008000, ## Events `USEREVENT` through `LASTEVENT` are for your use, ## and should be allocated with ``registerEvents()`` LASTEVENT = 0x0000FFFF ## This last event is only for bounding internal arrays
- The types of events that can be delivered.
CommonEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()``
- Fields shared by every event
DisplayEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `DISPLAYEVENT` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()`` display*: uint32 ## The associated display index event*: uint8 ## DisplayEventID padding1*: uint8 padding2*: uint8 padding3*: uint8 data1*: int32 ## Event dependent data
- Display state change event data (event.display.*)
WindowEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `WINDOWEVENT` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()`` windowID*: uint32 ## The associated window event*: WindowEventID ## WindowEventID padding1*: uint8 padding2*: uint8 padding3*: uint8 data1*: int32 ## event dependent data data2*: int32 ## event dependent data
- Window state change event data (event.window.*)
KeyboardEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `KEYDOWN` or `KEYUP` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()`` windowID*: uint32 ## The window with keyboard focus, if any state*: uint8 ## `PRESSED` or `RELEASED` repeat*: uint8 ## Non-zero if this is a key repeat padding2*: uint8 padding3*: uint8 keysym*: Keysym ## The key that was pressed or released
- Keyboard button event structure (event.key.*)
TextEditingEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `TEXTEDITING` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()`` windowID*: uint32 ## The window with keyboard focus, if any text*: array[TEXTEDITINGEVENT_TEXT_SIZE, char] ## The editing text start*: int32 ## The start cursor of selected editing text length*: int32 ## The length of selected editing text
- Keyboard text editing event structure (event.edit.*)
TextInputEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `TEXTINPUT` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()`` windowID*: uint32 ## The window with keyboard focus, if any text*: array[TEXTINPUTEVENT_TEXT_SIZE, char] ## The input text
- Keyboard text input event structure (event.text.*)
MouseMotionEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `MOUSEMOTION` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()`` windowID*: uint32 ## The window with mouse focus, if any which*: uint32 ## The mouse instance id, or `TOUCH_MOUSEID` state*: uint32 ## The current button state x*: int32 ## X coordinate, relative to window y*: int32 ## Y coordinate, relative to window xrel*: int32 ## The relative motion in the X direction yrel*: int32 ## The relative motion in the Y direction
- Mouse motion event structure (event.motion.*)
MouseButtonEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `MOUSEBUTTONDOWN` or `MOUSEBUTTONUP` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()`` windowID*: uint32 ## The window with mouse focus, if any which*: uint32 ## The mouse instance id, or `TOUCH_MOUSEID` button*: uint8 ## The mouse button index state*: uint8 ## `PRESSED` or `RELEASED` clicks*: uint8 ## `1` for single-click, `2` for double-click, etc. padding1*: uint8 x*: int32 ## X coordinate, relative to window y*: int32 ## Y coordinate, relative to window
- Mouse button event structure (event.button.*)
MouseWheelEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `MOUSEWHEEL` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()`` windowID*: uint32 ## The window with mouse focus, if any which*: uint32 ## The mouse instance id, or `TOUCH_MOUSEID` x*: int32 ## The amount scrolled horizontally, ## positive to the right and negative to the left y*: int32 ## The amount scrolled vertically, ## positive away from the user and negative toward the user direction*: MouseWheelDirection ## Set to one of the `MOUSEWHEEL_*`. ## When `MOUSEWHEEL_FLIPPED` the values in X and Y will be opposite. ## Multiply by `-1` to change them back.
- Mouse wheel event structure (event.wheel.*)
JoyAxisEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `JOYAXISMOTION` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()`` which*: JoystickID ## The joystick instance id axis*: uint8 ## The joystick axis index padding1*: uint8 padding2*: uint8 padding3*: uint8 value*: int16 ## The axis value (range: `-32768` to `32767`) padding4*: uint16
- Joystick axis motion event structure (event.jaxis.*)
JoyBallEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `JOYBALLMOTION` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()`` which*: JoystickID ## The joystick instance id ball*: uint8 ## The joystick trackball index padding1*: uint8 padding2*: uint8 padding3*: uint8 xrel*: int16 ## The relative motion in the X direction yrel*: int16 ## The relative motion in the Y direction
- Joystick trackball motion event structure (event.jball.*)
JoyHatEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `JOYHATMOTION` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()`` which*: JoystickID ## The joystick instance id hat*: uint8 ## The joystick hat index value*: HatPosition ## The hat position value. ## ## See also ``HatPosition``: ## `HAT_LEFTUP`, `HAT_UP`, `SDL_HAT_RIGHTUP`, ## `HAT_LEFT`, `HAT_CENTERED`, `HAT_RIGHT`, ## `HAT_LEFTDOWN`, `HAT_DOWN`, `HAT_RIGHTDOWN` ## ## Note that zero means the POV is centered. padding1*: uint8 padding2*: uint8
- Joystick hat position change event structure (event.jhat.*)
JoyButtonEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `JOYBUTTONDOWN` or `JOYBUTTONUP` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()`` which*: JoystickID ## The joystick instance id button*: uint8 ## The joystick button index state*: uint8 ## `PRESSED` or `RELEASED` padding1*: uint8 padding2*: uint8
- Joystick button event structure (event.jbutton.*)
JoyDeviceEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `JOYDEVICEADDED` or `JOYDEVICEREMOVED` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()`` which*: int32 ## The joystick device index for the `ADDED` event, ## instance id for the `REMOVED` event
- Joystick device event structure (event.jdevice.*)
ControllerAxisEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `CONTROLLERAXISMOTION` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()`` which*: JoystickID ## The joystick instance id axis*: GameControllerAxis ## The controller axis (``GameControllerAxis``) padding1*: uint8 padding2*: uint8 padding3*: uint8 value*: int16 ## The axis value (range: `-32768` to `32767`) padding4*: uint16
- Game controller axis motion event structure (event.caxis.*)
ControllerButtonEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `CONTROLLERBUTTONDOWN` or `CONTROLLERBUTTONUP` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()`` which*: JoystickID ## The joystick instance id button*: GameControllerButton ## The controller button (``GameControllerButton``) state*: uint8 ## `PRESSED` or `RELEASED` padding1*: uint8 padding2*: uint8
- Game controller button event structure (event.cbutton.*)
ControllerDeviceEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `CONTROLLERDEVICEADDED`, ## `CONTROLLERDEVICEREMOVED, or ## `CONTROLLERDEVICEREMAPPED` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()`` which*: int32 ## The joystick device index for the `ADDED` event, ## instance id for the `REMOVED` or `REMAPPED` event
- Controller device event structure (event.cdevice.*)
ControllerTouchpadEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `CONTROLLERTOUCHPADDOWN`, ## `CONTROLLERTOUCHPADMOTION`, or ## `CONTROLLERTOUCHPADUP` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()`` which*: JoystickID ## The joystick instance id touchpad*: int32 ## The index of the touchpad finger*: int32 ## The index of the finger on the touchpad x*: cfloat ## Normalized in the range 0...1 with 0 being on the left y*: cfloat ## Normalized in the range 0...1 with 0 being at the top pressure*: cfloat ## Normalized in the range 0...1
- Game controller touchpad event structure (event.ctouchpad.*)
ControllerSensorEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `CONTROLLERSENSORUPDATE` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()`` which*: JoystickID ## The joystick instance id sensor*: int32 ## The type of the sensor, one of the values of ``sdl.SensorType`` data*: array[3, cfloat] ## Up to `3` values from the sensor, as defined in ``sensor.nim``
- Game controller sensor event structure (event.csensor.*)
AudioDeviceEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `AUDIODEVICEADDED`, or `AUDIODEVICEREMOVED` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()`` which*: uint32 ## The audio device index for the `ADDED` event (valid until next ## ``getNumAudioDevices()`` call), ## ``AudioDeviceID`` for the `REMOVED` event. iscapture*: uint8 ## `0` if an output device, ## non-zero if a capture device. padding1*: uint8 padding2*: uint8 padding3*: uint8
- Audio device event structure (event.adevice.*)
TouchFingerEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `FINGERMOTION` or `FINGERDOWN` or `FINGERUP` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()`` touchId*: TouchID ## The touch device id fingerId*: FingerID x*: cfloat ## Normalized in the range 0...1 y*: cfloat ## Normalized in the range 0...1 dx*: cfloat ## Normalized in the range -1...1 dy*: cfloat ## Normalized in the range -1...1 pressure*: cfloat ## Normalized in the range 0...1 windowID*: uint32 ## The window underneath the finger, if any
- Touch finger event structure (event.tfinger.*)
MultiGestureEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `MULTIGESTURE` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()`` touchId*: TouchID ## The touch device index dTheta*: cfloat dDist*: cfloat x*: cfloat y*: cfloat numFingers*: uint16 padding*: uint16
- Multiple Finger Gesture Event (event.mgesture.*)
DollarGestureEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `DOLLARGESTURE` or `DOLLARRECORD` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()`` touchId*: TouchID ## The touch device id gestureId*: GestureID numFingers*: uint32 error*: cfloat x*: cfloat ## Normalized center of gesture y*: cfloat ## Normalized center of gesture
- Dollar Gesture Event (event.dgesture.*)
DropEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `DROPBEGIN` or `DROPFILE` ## or `DROPTEXT` or `DROPCOMPLETE` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()`` file*: cstring ## The file name, which should be freed with ``free()``, ## is `nil` on begin/complete windowID: uint32 ## The window that was dropped on, if any
An event used to request a file open by the system (event.drop.*)
This event is enabled by default, you can disable it with eventState()
Note: If this event is enabled, you must free the filename in the event.
SensorEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `SENSORUPDATE` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()`` which*: int32 ## The instance ID of the sensor data*: array[6, cfloat] ## Up to 6 values from the sensor - ## additional values can be queried using ``sensorGetData()``
- Sensor event structure (event.sensor.*)
QuitEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `QUIT` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()``
- The "quit requested" event
OSEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `QUIT` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()``
- OS Specific event
UserEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `USEREVENT` through `LASTEVENT-1` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()`` windowID*: uint32 ## The associated window if any code*: int32 ## User defined event code data1*: pointer ## User defined data pointer data2*: pointer ## User defined data pointer
- A user-defined event type (event.user.*)
SysWMmsg* = pointer
- declared in sdl_syswm.nim
SysWMEventObj* = object kind*: EventKind ## `SYSWMEVENT` timestamp*: uint32 ## In milliseconds, populated using ``getTicks()`` msg*: SysWMmsg ## driver dependent data, defined in ``syswm.nim``
A video driver dependent system event (event.syswm.*)
This event is disabled by default, you can enable it with eventState()
Note: If you want to use this event, you should include syswm.nim.
Event* {...}{.union.} = object kind*: EventKind ## Event type, shared with all events common*: CommonEventObj ## Common event data display*: DisplayEventObj ## Display event data window*: WindowEventObj ## Window event data key*: KeyboardEventObj ## Keyboard event data edit*: TextEditingEventObj ## Text editing event data text*: TextInputEventObj ## Text input event data motion*: MouseMotionEventObj ## Mouse motion event data button*: MouseButtonEventObj ## Mouse button event data wheel*: MouseWheelEventObj ## Mouse wheel event data jaxis*: JoyAxisEventObj ## Joystick axis event data jball*: JoyBallEventObj ## Joystick ball event data jhat*: JoyHatEventObj ## Joystick hat event data jbutton*: JoyButtonEventObj ## Joystick button event data jdevice*: JoyDeviceEventObj ## Joystick device change event data caxis*: ControllerAxisEventObj ## Game Controller axis event data cbutton*: ControllerButtonEventObj ## Game Controller button event data cdevice*: ControllerDeviceEventObj ## Game Controller device event data ctouchpad*: ControllerTouchpadEventObj ## Game Controller touchpad event data csensor*: ControllerSensorEventObj ## Game Controller sensor event data adevice*: AudioDeviceEventObj ## Audio device event data sensor*: SensorEventObj ## Sensor event data quit*: QuitEventObj ## Quit request event data user*: UserEventObj ## Custom event data syswm*: SysWMEventObj ## System dependent window event data tfinger*: TouchFingerEventObj ## Touch finger event data mgesture*: MultiGestureEventObj ## Gesture event data dgesture*: DollarGestureEventObj ## Gesture event data drop*: DropEventObj ## Drag and drop event data padding*: array[56, uint8] ## This is necessary for ABI compatibility between Visual C++ and GCC. ## Visual C++ will respect the push pack pragma and use 52 bytes for ## this structure, and GCC will use the alignment of the largest ## datatype within the union, which is 8 bytes. ## ## So... we'll add padding to force the size to be 56 bytes for both.
- General event structure
EventAction* {...}{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum ADDEVENT, PEEKEVENT, GETEVENT
EventFilter* = proc (userdata: pointer; event: ptr Event): cint {...}{.cdecl.}
proc charArrayToString*(a: openarray[char]): string
- Convert an array of char to a proper string.
proc pumpEvents*() {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_PumpEvents", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}
Pumps the event loop, gathering events from the input devices.
This procedure updates the event queue and internal input device state.
This should only be run in the thread that sets the video mode.
proc peepEvents*(events: ptr Event; numevents: cint; action: EventAction; minKind: EventKind; maxKind: EventKind): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_PeepEvents", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}
Checks the event queue for messages and optionally returns them.
If action is ADDEVENT, up to numevents events will be added to the back of the event queue.
If action is PEEKEVENT, up to numevents events at the front of the event queue, within the specified minimum and maximum type, will be returned and will not be removed from the queue.
If action is GETEVENT, up to numevents events at the front of the event queue, within the specified minimum and maximum type, will be returned and will be removed from the queue.
Return the number of events actually stored, or -1 if there was an error.
This procedure is thread-safe.
proc hasEvent*(kind: EventKind): bool {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_HasEvent", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}
- Checks to see if certain event types are in the event queue.
proc hasEvents*(minKind: EventKind; maxKind: EventKind): bool {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_HasEvents", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}
proc flushEvent*(kind: EventKind) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_FlushEvent", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}
This procedure clears events from the event queue.
This procedure only affects currently queued events. If you want to make sure that all pending OS events are flushed, you can call pumpEvents() on the main thread immediately before flush call.
proc flushEvents*(minKind: EventKind; maxKind: EventKind) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_FlushEvents", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}
proc pollEvent*(event: ptr Event): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_PollEvent", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}
Polls for currently pending events.
Return 1 if there are any pending events, or 0 if there are none available.
event If not nil, the next event is removed from the queue and stored in that area.
proc waitEvent*(event: ptr Event): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_WaitEvent", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}
Waits indefinitely for the next available event.
Return 1, or 0 if there was an error while waiting for events.
event If not nil, the next event is removed from the queue and stored in that area.
proc waitEventTimeout*(event: ptr Event; timeout: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_WaitEventTimeout", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}
Waits until the specified timeout (in milliseconds) for the next available event.
Return 1, or 0 if there was an error while waiting for events.
event If not nil, the next event is removed from the queue and stored in that area.
timeout The timeout (in milliseconds) to wait for next event.
proc pushEvent*(event: ptr Event): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_PushEvent", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}
Add an event to the event queue.
Return 1 on success, 0 if the event was filtered, or -1 if the event queue was full or there was some other error.
proc setEventFilter*(filter: EventFilter; userdata: pointer) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_SetEventFilter", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}
Sets up a filter to process all events before they change internal state and are posted to the internal event queue.
The filter is prototyped as:
proc EventFilter(userdata: pointer; event: ptr Event): cint {.cdecl.}
If the filter returns 1, then the event will be added to the internal queue. If it returns 0, then the event will be dropped from the queue, but the internal state will still be updated. This allows selective filtering of dynamically arriving events.
Warning: Be very careful of what you do in the event filter procedure, as it may run in a different thread!
There is one caveat when dealing with the QuitEvent event type. The event filter is only called when the window manager desires to close the application window. If the event filter returns 1, then the window will be closed, otherwise the window will remain open if possible.
If the quit event is generated by an interrupt signal, it will bypass the internal queue and be delivered to the application at the next event poll.
proc getEventFilter*(filter: ptr EventFilter; userdata: ptr pointer): bool {...}{. cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetEventFilter", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}
- Return the current event filter - can be used to "chain" filters. If there is no event filter set, this procedure returns false.
proc addEventWatch*(filter: EventFilter; userdata: pointer) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_AddEventWatch", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}
- Add a procedure which is called when an event is added to the queue.
proc delEventWatch*(filter: EventFilter; userdata: pointer) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_DelEventWatch", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}
- Remove an event watch procedure added with addEventWatch()
proc filterEvents*(filter: EventFilter; userdata: pointer) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_FilterEvents", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}
- Run the filter procedure on the current event queue, removing any events for which the filter returns 0.
proc eventState*(kind: EventKind; state: cint): uint8 {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_EventState", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}
This procedure allows you to set the state of processing certain events.
- If state is set to IGNORE, that event will be automatically dropped from the event queue and will not be filtered.
- If state is set to ENABLE, that event will be processed normally.
- If state is set to QUERY, eventState() will return the current processing state of the specified event.
proc registerEvents*(numevents: cint): uint32 {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_RegisterEvents", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}
This procedure allocates a set of user-defined events, and returns the beginning event number for that set of events.
If there aren't enough user-defined events left, this procedure returns -1'u32.
template `$`*(a: array[TEXTEDITINGEVENT_TEXT_SIZE, char]): string
- Convert an array of char to a proper string.
template `$`*(a: array[TEXTINPUTEVENT_TEXT_SIZE, char]): string
- Convert an array of char to a proper string.
template getEventState*(kind: untyped): untyped