
    Dark Mode
Group by:


  • High performance by collecting and submitting batches of draw commands
  • Shader API
  • Arbitrary geometry rendering (triangles)
  • Can be integrated with explicit OpenGL calls (mixed 2D and 3D)
  • Full blend state control
  • Built-in primitive shapes (points, lines, tris, rects, ellipses, polygons, arcs)
  • Loads BMP, TGA, and PNG files via stb-image
  • Rotates and scales about the center of images (adjustable via anchor settings)


WindowFlags* = uint32
The flags passed to SDL's createWindow through SDL_gpu's init, initRenderer, or initRendererByID
InitFlags* = uint32

Initialization flags for changing default init parameters.

Can be bitwise OR'ed together.

Default (0) is to use late swap vsync and double buffering.

See also:


see getPreInitFlags()

FeatureFlags* = uint32

Important GPU features which may not be supported depending on a device's extension support.

Can be bitwise OR'd together.

See also:



Rect* = tuple[x, y: cfloat, w, h: cfloat]

A struct representing a rectangular area with floating point precision.

See also:


RendererKind* {...}{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
  RENDERER_UNKNOWN = 0,     ## invalid value
  RENDERER_D3D10 = 22, RENDERER_D3D11 = 23
RendererID* = object
  name*: ptr char
  renderer*: RendererKind
  majorVersion*: cint
  minorVersion*: cint

Renderer ID object for identifying a specific renderer.

See also:



ComparisonEnum* {...}{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
  NEVER = 0x00000200, LESS = 0x00000201, EQUAL = 0x00000202,
  LEQUAL = 0x00000203, GREATER = 0x00000204, NOTEQUAL = 0x00000205,
  GEQUAL = 0x00000206, ALWAYS = 0x00000207

Comparison operations (for depth testing)

Values chosen for direct OpenGL compatibility.

See also:


BlendFunc* {...}{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
  FUNC_ZERO = 0, FUNC_ONE = 1, FUNC_SRC_COLOR = 0x00000300,
  FUNC_ONE_MINUS_SRC = 0x00000301, FUNC_SRC_ALPHA = 0x00000302,
  FUNC_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA = 0x00000303, FUNC_DST_ALPHA = 0x00000304,
  FUNC_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA = 0x00000305, FUNC_DST_COLOR = 0x00000306,
  FUNC_ONE_MINUS_DST = 0x00000307

Blend component functions.

Values chosen for direct OpenGL compatibility.

See also:


BlendEq* {...}{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
  EQ_ADD = 0x00008006, EQ_SUBTRACT = 0x0000800A,

Blend component equations.

Values chosen for direct OpenGL compatibility.

See also:


BlendMode* = object
  sourceColor*, destColor*: BlendFunc
  sourceAlpha*, destAlpha*: BlendFunc
  colorEquation*: BlendEq
  alphaEquation*: BlendEq
Blend mode storage struct
BlendPreset* {...}{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum

Blend mode presets.

See also:



Filter* {...}{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum

Image filtering options.

These affect the quality/interpolation of colors when images are scaled.

See also:


Snap* {...}{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum

Snap modes.

Blitting with these modes will align the sprite with the target's pixel grid.

See also:



Wrap* {...}{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum

Image wrapping options.

These affect how images handle src_rect coordinates beyond their dimensions when blitted.

See also:


Format* {...}{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum

Image format enum.

See also:


FileFormat* {...}{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum

File format enum.

See also:





AttributeType* {...}{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
  TYPE_BYTE = 0x00001400, TYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE = 0x00001401,
  TYPE_SHORT = 0x00001402, TYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT = 0x00001403,
  TYPE_INT = 0x00001404, TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT = 0x00001405,
  TYPE_FLOAT = 0x00001406, TYPE_DOUBLE = 0x0000140A

Type enumeration for attributeFormat specifications.

Using OpenGL's values for simpler translation.

ShaderType* {...}{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum

Shader type enum.

See also:




ShaderLanguage* {...}{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
Type enumeration for the shader language used by the renderer.
AttributeFormat* = object
  isPerSprite*: bool         ## Per-sprite values are expanded to 4 vertices
  numElemsPerValue*: cint
  `type`*: AttributeType     ## TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_INT, TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, etc.
  normalize*: bool
  strideBytes*: cint         ## Number of bytes between two vertex specifications
  offsetBytes*: cint         ## Number of bytes to skip at the beginning of ``values``
Attribute* = object
  location*: cint
  values*: pointer           ## Expect 4 values for each sprite
  format*: AttributeFormat
AttributeSource* = object
  enabled*: bool
  numValues*: cint
  nextValue*: pointer        ## Automatic storage format
  perVertexStorageStrideBytes*: cint
  perVertexStorageOffsetBytes*: cint
  perVertexStorageSize*: cint ## Over 0 means that the per-vertex storage
                              ## has been automatically allocated
  perVertexStorage*: pointer ## Could point to the attribute's values or to allocated storage
  attribute*: Attribute
Flip* = uint32

Bit flags for blitting into a rectangular region.

See also:



Image* = ptr object
  renderer*: Renderer
  contextTarget*: Target
  target*: Target
  w*, h*: uint16
  usingVirtualResolution*: bool
  format*: Format
  numLayers*: cint
  bytesPerPixel*: int
  baseW*, baseH*: uint16     ## Original image dimensions
  textureH*, textureW*: uint16 ## Underlying texture dimensions
  hasMipMaps*: bool
  anchorX*, anchorY*: cfloat ## Normalized coords for the point at which the image is blitted.
                             ## Default is (0.5, 0.5), that is, the image is drawn centered.
                             ## These are interpreted according to ``setCoordinateMode()``
                             ## and range from (0.0 - 1.0) normally.
  color*: Color
  useBlending*: bool
  blendMode*: BlendMode
  filterMode*: Filter
  snapMode*: Snap
  wrapModeX*: Wrap
  wrapModeY*: Wrap
  data*: pointer
  refcount*: cint
  isAlias*: bool

Image object for containing pixel/texture data.

A image can be created with createImage(), loadImage(), copyImage(), or copyImageFromSurface().

Free the memory with freeImage() when you're done.

See also:






TextureHandle* {...}{.importc: "uintptr_t", header: "<stdint.h>".} = distinct pointer

A backend-neutral type that is intended to hold a backend-specific handle/pointer to a texture.

See also:



Camera* = object
  x*, y*, z*: cfloat
  angle*, zoom*: cfloat
  zNear*, zFar*: cfloat      ## z clipping planes

Camera object that determines viewing transform.

See also:




ShaderBlock* = object
  positionLoc*: cint         ## Attributes
  texcoordLoc*: cint
  colorLoc*: cint            ## Uniforms
  modelViewProjectionLoc*: cint

Container for the built-in shader attribute and uniform locations (indices).

See also:



MatrixStack* = object
  storage_size*: cuint
  size*: cuint
  matrix*: pointer
Matrix stack data structure for global vertex transforms.
Context* = ptr object
  context*: pointer          ## SDL's GLContext
  failed*: bool
  windowID*: uint32          ## SDL window ID
  windowW*, windowH*: cint   ## Actual window dimensions
  drawableW*, drawableH*: cint ## Drawable region dimensions
  storedWindowW*, storedWindowH*: cint ## Window dimensions
                                       ## for restoring windowed mode after setFullscreen(1,1).
  currentShaderProgram*: uint32
  defaultTexturedShaderProgram*: uint32
  defaultUntexturedShaderProgram*: uint32
  currentShaderBlock*: ShaderBlock
  defaultTexturedShaderBlock*: ShaderBlock
  defaultUntexturedShaderBlock*: ShaderBlock
  shapesUseBlending*: bool
  shapesBlendMode*: BlendMode
  lineThickness*: cfloat
  useTexturing*: bool
  matrixMode*: cint
  projectionMatrix*: MatrixStack
  modelviewMatrix*: MatrixStack
  refcount*: cint
  data*: pointer

Rendering context data.

Only targets which represent windows will store this.

Target* = ptr object
  renderer*: Renderer
  contextTarget*: Target
  image*: Image
  data*: pointer
  w*, h*: uint16
  usingVirtualResolution*: bool
  baseW*, baseH*: uint16     ## The true dimensions of the underlying image or window
  useClipRect*: bool
  clipRect*: Rect
  useColor*: bool
  color*: Color
  viewport*: Rect
  camera*: Camera            ## Perspective and object viewing transforms.
  useCamera*: bool
  useDepthTest*: bool
  useDepthWrite*: bool
  depthFunction*: ComparisonEnum
  context*: Context          ## Renderer context data.
                             ## `nil` if the target does not represent a window or rendering context.
  refcount*: cint
  isAlias*: bool

Render target object for use as a blitting destination.

A Target can be created from an Image with loadTarget().

A Target can also represent a separate window with createTargetFromWindow(). In that case, context is allocated and filled in.

Note: You must have passed the WINDOW_OPENGL flag to SDL's createWindow() for OpenGL renderers to work with new windows.

Free the memory with freeTarget() when you're done.

See also:




Renderer* = ptr object
  id*: RendererID
  requestedID*: RendererID
  SDLinitFlags*: WindowFlags
  GPUinitFlags*: InitFlags
  shaderLanguage*: ShaderLanguage
  minShaderVersion*: cint
  maxShaderVersion*: cint
  enabledFeatures*: FeatureFlags
  currentContextTarget*: Target ## Current display target
  coordinateMode*: bool      ## 0 for inverted, 1 for mathematical
  defaultImageAnchorX*: cfloat ## Default is (0.5, 0.5)
  defaultImageAnchorY*: cfloat ## images draw centered.
Renderer object which specializes the API to a particular backend.
BatchFlags* = uint32

Bit flags for geometry batching.

See also:



ErrorType* {...}{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum

Type enumeration for error codes.

See also:



ErrorObject* = object
  function*: cstring
  error*: ErrorType
  details*: cstring
DebugLevel* {...}{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum

Type enumeration for debug levels.

See also:



LogLevel* {...}{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum

Type enumeration for logging levels.

See also:



NONE* = 0x00000000
INIT_ENABLE_VSYNC* = 0x00000001
INIT_DISABLE_VSYNC* = 0x00000002
FEATURE_GL_BGR* = 0x00000020
FEATURE_GL_BGRA* = 0x00000040
FEATURE_GL_ABGR* = 0x00000080
FLIP_NONE* = 0x00000000
FLIP_HORIZONTAL* = 0x00000001
FLIP_VERTICAL* = 0x00000002
Combined flip flags
BATCH_XY* = 0x00000001
BATCH_XYZ* = 0x00000002
BATCH_ST* = 0x00000004
BATCH_RGB* = 0x00000008
BATCH_RGBA* = 0x00000010
BATCH_RGB8* = 0x00000020
BATCH_RGBA8* = 0x00000040
Log* = logInfo


proc getCompiledVersion*(): Version
proc setInitWindow*(windowID: uint32) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_SetInitWindow",
                                        dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
The window corresponding to windowID will be used to create the rendering context instead of creating a new window.
proc getInitWindow*(): uint32 {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_GetInitWindow",
                                dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Returns the window ID that has been set via setInitWindow().
proc setPreInitFlags*(flags: InitFlags) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_SetPreInitFlags",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Set special flags to use for initialization. Set these before calling init().

flags an OR'ed combination of initFlags constants. Default flags (0) enable late swap vsync and double buffering.

proc getPreInitFlags*(): InitFlags {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_GetPreInitFlags",
                                     dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Returns the current special flags to use for initialization.
proc setRequiredFeatures*(features: FeatureFlags) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetRequiredFeatures", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Set required features to use for initialization. Set these before calling init().

features An OR'ed combination of featureEnum flags. Required features will force init() to create a renderer that supports all of the given flags or else fail.

proc getRequiredFeatures*(): FeatureFlags {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_GetRequiredFeatures", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Return the current required features to use for initialization.
proc getDefaultRendererOrder*(orderSize: ptr cint; order: ptr RendererID) {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_GetDefaultRendererOrder", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Gets the default initialization renderer IDs for the current platform copied into the order array and the number of renderer IDs into order_size. Pass nil for order to just get the size of the renderer order array. Will return at most RENDERER_ORDER_MAX renderers.
proc getRendererOrder*(orderSize: ptr cint; order: ptr RendererID) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_GetRendererOrder", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Gets the current renderer ID order for initialization copied into the order array and the number of renderer IDs into order_size. Pass nil for order to just get the size of the renderer order array.
proc setRendererOrder*(orderSize: cint; order: ptr RendererID) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetRendererOrder", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Sets the renderer ID order to use for initialization.

If order is nil, it will restore the default order.

proc init*(w, h: uint16; flags: WindowFlags): Target {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_Init", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Initializes SDL's video subsystem (if necessary) and all of SDL_gpu's internal structures. Chooses a renderer and creates a window with the given dimensions and window creation flags. Returns a pointer to the resulting window's render target.

w Desired window width in pixels.

h Desired window height in pixels.

flags The bit flags to pass to SDL when creating the window. Use GPU_DEFAULT_INIT_FLAGS if you don't care.

Return On success, returns the new context target (i.e. render target backed by a window). On failure, returns nil.

Initializes these systems:

  • The 'error queue': Stores error codes and description strings.
  • The 'renderer registry': An array of information about the supported renderers on the current platform, such as the renderer name and id and its life cycle functions.
  • The SDL library and its video subsystem: Calls init() if SDL has not already been initialized. Use initSubsystem() to initialize more parts of SDL.
  • The current renderer: Walks through each renderer in the renderer registry and tries to initialize them until one succeeds.

See also:






proc initRenderer*(RendererKind: RendererKind; w, h: uint16; flags: WindowFlags): Target {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_InitRenderer", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Initializes SDL and SDL_gpu.

Creates a window and the requested renderer context.

proc initRendererByID*(rendererRequest: RendererID; w, h: uint16;
                       flags: WindowFlags): Target {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_InitRendererByID", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Initializes SDL and SDL_gpu. Creates a window and the requested renderer context.

By requesting a renderer via ID, you can specify the major and minor versions of an individual renderer backend.

See also:


proc isFeatureEnabled*(feature: FeatureFlags): bool {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_IsFeatureEnabled", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Checks for important GPU features which may not be supported depending on a device's extension support.

feature flags (FEATURE_*) can be bitwise OR'd together.

Return 1 if all of the passed features are enabled/supported, or 0 if any of the passed features are disabled/unsupported.

proc closeCurrentRenderer*() {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_CloseCurrentRenderer",
                               dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Clean up the renderer state.
proc quit*() {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_Quit", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Clean up the renderer state and shut down SDL_gpu.
proc setDebugLevel*(level: DebugLevel) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_SetDebugLevel",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Sets the global debug level.


DEBUG_LEVEL_1: Prints messages when errors are pushed via pushErrorCode()

DEBUG_LEVEL_2: Elevates warning logs to error priority

DEBUG_LEVEL_3: Elevates info logs to error priority

proc getDebugLevel*(): DebugLevel {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_GetDebugLevel",
                                    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Returns the current global debug level.
proc logInfo*(format: cstring) {...}{.varargs, cdecl, importc: "GPU_LogInfo",
                                 dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Prints an informational log message.
proc logWarning*(format: cstring) {...}{.varargs, cdecl, importc: "GPU_LogWarning",
                                    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Prints a warning log message.
proc logError*(format: cstring) {...}{.varargs, cdecl, importc: "GPU_LogError",
                                  dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Prints an error log message.
proc setLogCallback*(callback: proc (logLevel: LogLevel; format: cstring;
                                     args: varargs[cstring]): cint {...}{.cdecl.}) {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_SetLogCallback", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Sets a custom callback for handling logging.

Use stdio's vsnprintf() to process the va_list into a string.

Passing nil as the callback will reset to the default internal logging.

proc pushErrorCode*(function: cstring; error: ErrorType; details: cstring) {...}{.
    varargs, cdecl, importc: "GPU_PushErrorCode", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Pushes a new error code into the error queue. If the queue is full, the queue is not modified.

function The name of the function that pushed the error.

error The error code to push on the error queue.

details Additional information string, can be nil.

proc popErrorCode*(): ErrorObject {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_PopErrorCode",
                                    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Pops an error object from the error queue and returns it.

If the error queue is empty, it returns an error object with nil function, ERROR_NONE error, and nil details.

proc getErrorString*(error: ErrorType): cstring {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_GetErrorString", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Gets the string representation of an error code.
proc setErrorQueueMax*(max: cuint) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_SetErrorQueueMax",
                                     dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Changes the maximum number of error objects that SDL_gpu will store This deletes all currently stored errors.
proc makeRendererID*(name: cstring; renderer: RendererKind; majorVersion: cint;
                     minorVersion: cint): RendererID {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_MakeRendererID", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Return an initialized RendererID.
proc getRendererID*(renderer: RendererKind): RendererID {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_GetRendererID", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Gets the first registered renderer identifier for the given enum value.
proc getNumRegisteredRenderers*(): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_GetNumRegisteredRenderers", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Gets the number of registered (available) renderers.
proc getRegisteredRendererList*(renderersArray: ptr RendererID) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_GetRegisteredRendererList", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Gets an array of identifiers for the registered (available) renderers.
proc registerRenderer*(id: RendererID; createRenderer: proc (request: RendererID): Renderer {...}{.
    cdecl.}; freeRenderer: proc (renderer: Renderer) {...}{.cdecl.}) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_RegisterRenderer", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Prepares a renderer for use by SDL_gpu.
proc reserveNextRendererEnum*(): RendererKind {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_ReserveNextRendererEnum", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Gets the next enum ID that can be used for a custom renderer.
proc getNumActiveRenderers*(): cint {...}{.cdecl,
                                      importc: "GPU_GetNumActiveRenderers",
                                      dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Gets the number of active (created) renderers.
proc getActiveRendererList*(renderersArray: ptr RendererID) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_GetActiveRendererList", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Gets an array of identifiers for the active renderers.
proc getCurrentRenderer*(): Renderer {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_GetCurrentRenderer",
                                       dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Return the current renderer.
proc setCurrentRenderer*(id: RendererID) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetCurrentRenderer", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Switches the current renderer to the renderer matching the given identifier.
proc getRenderer*(id: RendererID): Renderer {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_GetRenderer",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
proc freeRenderer*(renderer: Renderer) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_FreeRenderer",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Return the renderer matching the given identifier.
proc resetRendererState*() {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_ResetRendererState",
                             dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Reapplies the renderer state to the backend API (e.g. OpenGL, Direct3D).

Use this if you want SDL_gpu to be able to render after you've used direct backend calls.

proc setCoordinateMode*(useMathCoords: bool) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetCoordinateMode", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Sets the coordinate mode for this renderer.

Target and image coordinates will be either "inverted" (0,0 is the upper left corner, y increases downward) or "mathematical" (0,0 is the bottom-left corner, y increases upward).

The default is inverted (0), as this is traditional for 2D graphics.

param inverted 0 is for inverted coordinates, 1 is for mathematical coordinates

proc getCoordinateMode*(): bool {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_GetCoordinateMode",
                                  dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
proc setDefaultAnchor*(anchorX, anchorY: cfloat) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetDefaultAnchor", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Sets the default image blitting anchor for newly created images.

See also:


proc getDefaultAnchor*(anchorX: ptr cfloat; anchorY: ptr cfloat) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_GetDefaultAnchor", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Returns the default image blitting anchor through the given variables.

See also:


proc getContextTarget*(): Target {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_GetContextTarget",
                                   dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Return the renderer's current context target.
proc getWindowTarget*(windowID: uint32): Target {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_GetWindowTarget", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Return the target that is associated with the given windowID.
proc createTargetFromWindow*(windowID: uint32): Target {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_CreateTargetFromWindow", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Creates a separate context for the given window using the current renderer and returns a target that represents it.
proc makeCurrent*(target: Target; windowID: uint32) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_MakeCurrent", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Makes the given window the current rendering destination for the given context target.

This also makes the target the current context for image loading and window operations.

If the target does not represent a window, this does nothing.

proc setWindowResolution*(w: uint16; h: uint16): bool {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetWindowResolution", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Change the actual size of the current context target's window.

This resets the virtual resolution and viewport of the context target.

Aside from direct resolution changes, this should also be called in response to SDL's WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED window events for resizable windows.

proc setFullscreen*(enableFullscreen: bool; useDesktopResolution: bool): bool {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_SetFullscreen", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Enable/disable fullscreen mode for the current context target's window.

On some platforms, this may destroy the renderer context and require that textures be reloaded. Unfortunately, SDL does not provide a notification mechanism for this.

enableFullscreen If true, make the application go fullscreen, if false, make the application go to windowed mode.

useDesktopResolution If true, lets the window change its resolution when it enters fullscreen mode (via SDL's WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP).

Return 0 if the new mode is windowed, 1 if the new mode is fullscreen.

proc getFullscreen*(): bool {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_GetFullscreen",
                              dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Returns true if the current context target's window is in fullscreen mode.
proc setShapeBlending*(enable: bool) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_SetShapeBlending",
                                       dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Enables/disables alpha blending for shape rendering on the current window.
proc getBlendModeFromPreset*(preset: BlendPreset): BlendMode {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_GetBlendModeFromPreset", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Translates a blend preset into a blend mode.
proc setShapeBlendFunction*(sourceColor: BlendFunc; destColor: BlendFunc;
                            sourceAlpha: BlendFunc; destAlpha: BlendFunc) {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_SetShapeBlendFunction", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets the blending component functions for shape rendering.
proc setShapeBlendEquation*(colorEquation: BlendEq; alphaEquation: BlendEq) {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_SetShapeBlendEquation", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets the blending component equations for shape rendering.
proc setShapeBlendMode*(mode: BlendPreset) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetShapeBlendMode", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets the blending mode for shape rendering on the current window, if supported by the renderer.
proc setLineThickness*(thickness: cfloat): cfloat {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetLineThickness", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Sets the thickness of lines for the current context.

thickness New line thickness in pixels measured across the line. Default is 1.0f.

Return the old thickness value.

proc getLineThickness*(): cfloat {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_GetLineThickness",
                                   dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Return the current line thickness value.
proc createAliasTarget*(target: Target): Target {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_CreateAliasTarget", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Creates a target that aliases the given target.

Aliases can be used to store target settings (e.g. viewports) for easy switching.

freeTarget() frees the alias's memory, but does not affect the original.

proc loadTarget*(image: Image): Target {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_LoadTarget",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Creates a new render target from the given image. It can then be accessed from

This increments the internal refcount of the target, so it should be matched with a freeTarget().

proc getTarget*(image: Image): Target {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_GetTarget",
                                        dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Creates a new render target from the given image. It can then be accessed from

This does not increment the internal refcount of the target, so it will be invalidated when the image is freed.

proc freeTarget*(target: Target) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_FreeTarget",
                                   dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Deletes a render target in the proper way for this renderer.
proc setVirtualResolution*(target: Target; w, h: uint16) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetVirtualResolution", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Change the logical size of the given target.

Rendering to this target will be scaled as if the dimensions were actually the ones given.

proc getVirtualResolution*(target: Target; w, h: ptr uint16) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_GetVirtualResolution", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Query the logical size of the given target.
proc getVirtualCoords*(target: Target; x, y: ptr cfloat;
                       displayX, displayY: cfloat) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_GetVirtualCoords", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Converts screen space coordinates (such as from mouse input) to logical drawing coordinates.

This interacts with setCoordinateMode() when the y-axis is flipped (screen space is assumed to be inverted: (0,0) in the upper-left corner).

proc unsetVirtualResolution*(target: Target) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_UnsetVirtualResolution", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Reset the logical size of the given target to its original value.
proc makeRect*(x, y, w, h: cfloat): Rect {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_MakeRect",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Return a Rect with the given values.
proc makeColor*(r, g, b, a: uint8): Color {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_MakeColor",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Return a Color with the given values.
proc setViewport*(target: Target; viewport: Rect) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetViewport", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets the given target's viewport.
proc unsetViewport*(target: Target) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_UnsetViewport",
                                      dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Resets the given target's viewport to the entire target area.
proc getDefaultCamera*(): Camera {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_GetDefaultCamera",
                                   dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Return a Camera with position (0, 0, 0), angle of 0, zoom of 1, and near/far clipping planes of -100 and 100.
proc getCamera*(target: Target): Camera {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_GetCamera",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Return the camera of the given render target. If target is nil, returns the default camera.
proc setCamera*(target: Target; cam: ptr Camera): Camera {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetCamera", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Sets the current render target's current camera.

target A pointer to the target that will copy this camera.

cam A pointer to the camera data to use or nil to use the default camera.

Return the old camera.

proc enableCamera*(target: Target; useCamera: bool) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_EnableCamera", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Enables or disables using the built-in camera matrix transforms.
proc isCameraEnabled*(target: Target): bool {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_IsCameraEnabled", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Return 1 if the camera transforms are enabled, 0 otherwise.
proc addDepthBuffer*(target: Target) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_AddDepthBuffer",
                                       dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Attach a new depth buffer to the given target so that it can use depth testing. Context targets automatically have a depth buffer already. If successful, also enables depth testing for this target.
proc setDepthTest*(target: Target; enable: bool) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetDepthTest", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Enables or disables the depth test, which will skip drawing pixels/fragments behind other fragments. Disabled by default. This has implications for alpha blending, where compositing might not work correctly depending on render order.
proc setDepthWrite*(target: Target; enable: bool) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetDepthWrite", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Enables or disables writing the depth (effective view z-coordinate) of new pixels to the depth buffer. Enabled by default, but you must call setDepthTest() to use it.
proc setDepthFunction*(target: Target; compareOperation: ComparisonEnum) {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_SetDepthFunction", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets the operation to perform when depth testing.
proc getPixel*(target: Target; x, y: int16): Color {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_GetPixel", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Return the RGBA color of a pixel.
proc setClipRect*(target: Target; rect: Rect): Rect {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetClipRect", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets the clipping rect for the given render target.
proc setClip*(target: Target; x, y: int16; w, h: uint16): Rect {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetClip", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets the clipping rect for the given render target.
proc unsetClip*(target: Target) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_UnsetClip",
                                  dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Turns off clipping for the given target.
proc intersectRect*(a: Rect; b: Rect; result: ptr Rect): bool {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_IntersectRect", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Return true if the given rects A and B overlap, in which case it also fills the given result rect with the intersection. result can be nil if you don't need the intersection.
proc intersectClipRect*(target: Target; b: Rect; result: ptr Rect): bool {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_IntersectClipRect", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Returns true if the given target's clip rect and the given B rect overlap, in which case it also fills the given result rect with the intersection. result can be nil if you don't need the intersection.

If the target doesn't have a clip rect enabled, this uses the whole target area.

proc setTargetColor*(target: Target; color: Color) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetTargetColor", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets the modulation color for subsequent drawing of images and shapes on the given target. This has a cumulative effect with the image coloring functions. e.g. setRGB(image, 255, 128, 0); setTargetRGB(target, 128, 128, 128); Would make the image draw with color of roughly (128, 64, 0).
proc setTargetRGB*(target: Target; r, g, b: uint8) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetTargetRGB", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets the modulation color for subsequent drawing of images and shapes on the given target. This has a cumulative effect with the image coloring functions. e.g. setRGB(image, 255, 128, 0); setTargetRGB(target, 128, 128, 128); Would make the image draw with color of roughly (128, 64, 0).
proc setTargetRGBA*(target: Target; r, g, b, a: uint8) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetTargetRGBA", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets the modulation color for subsequent drawing of images and shapes on the given target. This has a cumulative effect with the image coloring functions. e.g. setRGB(image, 255, 128, 0); setTargetRGB(target, 128, 128, 128); Would make the image draw with color of roughly (128, 64, 0).
proc unsetTargetColor*(target: Target) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_UnsetTargetColor",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Unsets the modulation color for subsequent drawing of images and shapes on the given target. This has the same effect as coloring with pure opaque white (255, 255, 255, 255).
proc loadSurface*(filename: cstring): Surface {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_LoadSurface", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Load surface from an image file that is supported by this renderer. Don't forget to SDL's freeSurface() it.
proc loadSurfaceRW*(rwops: ptr RWops; freeRwops: bool): Surface {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_LoadSurface_RW", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Load surface from an image file in memory. Don't forget to SDL's freeSurface() it.
proc saveSurface*(surface: Surface; filename: cstring; format: FileFormat): bool {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_SaveSurface", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Save surface to a file. With a format of FILE_AUTO, the file type is deduced from the extension.

Supported formats are: png, bmp, tga.

Return 0 on failure.

proc saveSurfaceRW*(surface: Surface; rwops: ptr RWops; freeRwops: bool;
                    format: FileFormat): bool {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SaveSurface_RW", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Save surface to a RWops stream.

Does not support format of FILE_AUTO, because the file type cannot be deduced.

Supported formats are: png, bmp, tga.

Return 0 on failure.

proc createImage*(w, h: uint16; format: Format): Image {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_CreateImage", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Create a new, blank image with the given format. Don't forget to freeImage() it.

w Image width in pixels.

h Image height in pixels.

format Format of color channels.

proc createImageUsingTexture*(handle: TextureHandle; takeOwnership: bool): Image {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_CreateImageUsingTexture", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Create a new image that uses the given native texture handle as the image texture.
proc loadImage*(filename: cstring): Image {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_LoadImage",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Load image from an image file that is supported by this renderer. Don't forget to freeImage() it.
proc loadImageRW*(rwops: ptr RWops; freeRwops: bool): Image {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_LoadImage_RW", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Load image from an image file in memory Don't forget to freeImage() it.
proc createAliasImage*(image: Image): Image {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_CreateAliasImage", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Creates an image that aliases the given image. Aliases can be used to store image settings (e.g. modulation color) for easy switching. freeImage() frees the alias's memory, but does not affect the original.
proc copyImage*(image: Image): Image {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_CopyImage",
                                       dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Copy an image to a new image Don't forget to freeImage() both.
proc freeImage*(image: Image) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_FreeImage",
                                dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Deletes an image in the proper way for this renderer. Also deletes the corresponding target if applicable. Be careful not to use that target afterward!
proc setImageVirtualResolution*(image: Image; w: uint16; h: uint16) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetImageVirtualResolution", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Change the logical size of the given image. Rendering this image will scaled it as if the dimensions were actually the ones given.
proc unsetImageVirtualResolution*(image: Image) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_UnsetImageVirtualResolution", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Reset the logical size of the given image to its original value.
proc updateImage*(image: Image; imageRect: ptr Rect; surface: Surface;
                  surfaceRect: ptr Rect) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_UpdateImage",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Update an image from surface data.

Ignores virtual resolution on the image so the number of pixels needed from the surface is known.

proc updateImageBytes*(image: Image; imageRect: ptr Rect; bytes: ptr cuchar;
                       bytesPerRow: cint) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_UpdateImageBytes", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Update an image from an array of pixel data.

Ignores virtual resolution on the image so the number of pixels needed from the surface is known.

proc replaceImage*(image: Image; surface: Surface; surfaceRect: ptr Rect): bool {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_ReplaceImage", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Update an image from surface data, replacing its underlying texture to allow for size changes.

Ignores virtual resolution on the image so the number of pixels needed from the surface is known.

proc saveImage*(image: Image; filename: cstring; format: FileFormat): bool {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_SaveImage", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Save image to a file. With a format of FILE_AUTO, the file type is deduced from the extension.

Supported formats are: png, bmp, tga.

Return 0 on failure.

proc saveImageRW*(image: Image; rwops: ptr RWops; freeRwops: bool;
                  format: FileFormat): bool {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SaveImage_RW", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Save image to a RWops stream. Does not support format of FILE_AUTO, because the file type cannot be deduced.

Supported formats are: png, bmp, tga.

Return 0 on failure.

proc generateMipmaps*(image: Image) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_GenerateMipmaps",
                                      dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Loads mipmaps for the given image, if supported by the renderer.
proc setColor*(image: Image; color: Color) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_SetColor",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets the modulation color for subsequent drawing of the given image.
proc setRGB*(image: Image; r: uint8; g: uint8; b: uint8) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetRGB", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets the modulation color for subsequent drawing of the given image.
proc setRGBA*(image: Image; r: uint8; g: uint8; b: uint8; a: uint8) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetRGBA", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets the modulation color for subsequent drawing of the given image.
proc unsetColor*(image: Image) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_UnsetColor",
                                 dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Unsets the modulation color for subsequent drawing of the given image. This is equivalent to coloring with pure opaque white (255, 255, 255, 255).
proc getBlending*(image: Image): bool {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_GetBlending",
                                        dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Gets the current alpha blending setting.
proc setBlending*(image: Image; enable: bool) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetBlending", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Enables/disables alpha blending for the given image.
proc setBlendFunction*(image: Image; sourceColor: BlendFunc;
                       destColor: BlendFunc; sourceAlpha: BlendFunc;
                       destAlpha: BlendFunc) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetBlendFunction", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets the blending component functions.
proc setBlendEquation*(image: Image; colorEquation: BlendEq;
                       alphaEquation: BlendEq) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetBlendEquation", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets the blending component equations.
proc setBlendMode*(image: Image; mode: BlendPreset) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetBlendMode", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets the blending mode, if supported by the renderer.
proc setImageFilter*(image: Image; filter: Filter) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetImageFilter", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets the image filtering mode, if supported by the renderer.
proc setAnchor*(image: Image; anchorX, anchorY: cfloat) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetAnchor", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Sets the image anchor, which is the point about which the image is blitted.

The default is to blit the image on-center (0.5, 0.5). The anchor is in normalized coordinates (0.0-1.0).

proc getAnchor*(image: Image; anchorX, anchorY: ptr cfloat) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_GetAnchor", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Return the image anchor via the passed parameters. The anchor is in normalized coordinates (0.0-1.0).
proc getSnapMode*(image: Image): Snap {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_GetSnapMode",
                                        dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Gets the current pixel snap setting. The default value is SNAP_POSITION_AND_DIMENSIONS.
proc setSnapMode*(image: Image; mode: Snap) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_SetSnapMode",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets the pixel grid snapping mode for the given image.
proc setWrapMode*(image: Image; wrapModeX: Wrap; wrapModeY: Wrap) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetWrapMode", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets the image wrapping mode, if supported by the renderer.
proc getTextureHandle*(image: Image): TextureHandle {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_GetTextureHandle", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Returns the backend-specific texture handle associated with the given image. Note that SDL_gpu will be unaware of changes made to the texture.
proc copyImageFromSurface*(surface: Surface): Image {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_CopyImageFromSurface", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Copy Surface data into a new image. Don't forget to SDL's freeSurface() the surface and freeImage() the image.
proc copyImageFromTarget*(target: Target): Image {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_CopyImageFromTarget", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Copy target data into a new image. Don't forget to freeImage() the image.
proc copySurfaceFromTarget*(target: Target): Surface {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_CopySurfaceFromTarget", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Copy target data into a new Surface. Don't forget to SDL's freeSurface() the surface.
proc copySurfaceFromImage*(image: Image): Surface {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_CopySurfaceFromImage", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Copy image data into a new Surface. Don't forget to SDL's freeSurface() the surface and freeImage() the image.
proc vectorLength*(vec3: ptr cfloat): cfloat {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_VectorLength", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Returns the magnitude (length) of the given vector.
proc vectorNormalize*(vec3: ptr cfloat) {...}{.cdecl, stdcall,
    importc: "GPU_VectorNormalize", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Modifies the given vector so that it has a new length of 1.
proc vectorDot*(a: ptr cfloat; b: ptr cfloat): cfloat {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_VectorDot", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Returns the dot product of two vectors.
proc vectorCross*(result: ptr cfloat; a: ptr cfloat; b: ptr cfloat) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_VectorCross", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Performs the cross product of vectors A and B (result = A x B) Do not use A or B as result.
proc vectorCopy*(result: ptr cfloat; a: ptr cfloat) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_VectorCopy", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Overwrite result vector with the values from vector A.
proc vectorApplyMatrix*(vec3: ptr cfloat; matrix4x4: ptr cfloat) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_VectorApplyMatrix", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Multiplies the given matrix into the given vector (vec3 = matrix*vec3).
proc vectorApplyMatrix*(vec4: ptr cfloat; matrix4x4: ptr cfloat) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_Vector4ApplyMatrix", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Multiplies the given matrix into the given vector (vec4 = matrix*vec4).
proc matrixCopy*(result: ptr cfloat; a: ptr cfloat) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_MatrixCopy", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Overwrite result matrix with the values from matrix A.
proc matrixIdentity*(result: ptr cfloat) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_MatrixIdentity",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Fills result matrix with the identity matrix.
proc matrixOrtho*(result: ptr cfloat; left: cfloat; right: cfloat;
                  bottom: cfloat; top: cfloat; zNear: cfloat; zFar: cfloat) {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_MatrixOrtho", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Multiplies an orthographic projection matrix into the given matrix.
proc matrixFrustum*(result: ptr cfloat; left: cfloat; right: cfloat;
                    bottom: cfloat; top: cfloat; zNear: cfloat; zFar: cfloat) {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_MatrixFrustum", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Multiplies a perspective projection matrix into the given matrix.
proc matrixPerspective*(result: ptr cfloat; fovy: cfloat; aspect: cfloat;
                        zNear: cfloat; zFar: cfloat) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_MatrixPerspective", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Multiplies a perspective projection matrix into the given matrix.
proc matrixLookAt*(matrix: ptr cfloat; eyeX: cfloat; eyeY: cfloat; eyeZ: cfloat;
                   targetX: cfloat; targetY: cfloat; targetZ: cfloat;
                   upX: cfloat; upY: cfloat; upZ: cfloat) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_MatrixLookAt", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Multiplies a view matrix into the given matrix.
proc matrixTranslate*(result: ptr cfloat; x: cfloat; y: cfloat; z: cfloat) {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_MatrixTranslate", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Adds a translation into the given matrix.
proc matrixScale*(result: ptr cfloat; sx: cfloat; sy: cfloat; sz: cfloat) {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_MatrixScale", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Multiplies a scaling matrix into the given matrix.
proc matrixRotate*(result: ptr cfloat; degrees: cfloat; x: cfloat; y: cfloat;
                   z: cfloat) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_MatrixRotate",
                                dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Multiplies a rotation matrix into the given matrix.
proc multiply4x4*(result: ptr cfloat; a, b: ptr cfloat) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_MatrixMultiply", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Multiplies matrices A and B and stores the result in the given result matrix (result = A*B) Do not use A or B as result.

See also:


proc multiplyAndAssign*(result: ptr cfloat; b: ptr cfloat) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_MultiplyAndAssign", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Multiplies matrices result and B and stores the result in the given result matrix (result = result * B).
proc getMatrixString*(a: ptr cfloat): cstring {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_GetMatrixString", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Return an internal string that represents the contents of matrix A.
proc getCurrentMatrix*(): ptr cfloat {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_GetCurrentMatrix",
                                       dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Return the current matrix from the top of the matrix stack, or nil if stack is empty.
proc getModelView*(): ptr cfloat {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_GetModelView",
                                   dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Returns the current modelview matrix from the top of the matrix stack, or nil if stack is empty.
proc getProjection*(): ptr cfloat {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_GetProjection",
                                    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Return the current projection matrix from the top of the matrix stack, or nil if stack is empty.
proc getModelViewProjection*(result: ptr cfloat) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_GetModelViewProjection", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Copies the current modelview-projection matrix into the given result matrix (result = P*M).
proc initMatrixStack*(stack: MatrixStack) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_InitMatrixStack", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Allocate new matrices for the given stack.
proc matrixMode*(matrixMode: cint) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_MatrixMode",
                                     dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Changes matrix mode to either PROJECTION or MODELVIEW. Further matrix stack operations manipulate that particular stack.
proc pushMatrix*() {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_PushMatrix", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Pushes the current matrix as a new matrix stack item.
proc popMatrix*() {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_PopMatrix", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Removes the current matrix from the stack.
proc loadIdentity*() {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_LoadIdentity", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Fills current matrix with the identity matrix.
proc loadMatrix*(matrix4x4: ptr cfloat) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_LoadMatrix",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Copies a given matrix to be the current matrix.
proc ortho*(left: cfloat; right: cfloat; bottom: cfloat; top: cfloat;
            zNear: cfloat; zFar: cfloat) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_Ortho",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Multiplies an orthographic projection matrix into the current matrix.
proc frustum*(left: cfloat; right: cfloat; bottom: cfloat; top: cfloat;
              zNear: cfloat; zFar: cfloat) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_Frustum",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Multiplies a perspective projection matrix into the current matrix.
proc translate*(x: cfloat; y: cfloat; z: cfloat) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_Translate", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Adds a translation into the current matrix.
proc scale*(sx: cfloat; sy: cfloat; sz: cfloat) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_Scale",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Multiplies a scaling matrix into the current matrix.
proc rotate*(degrees: cfloat; x: cfloat; y: cfloat; z: cfloat) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_Rotate", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Multiplies a rotation matrix into the current matrix.
proc multMatrix*(matrix4x4: ptr cfloat) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_MultMatrix",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Multiplies a given matrix into the current matrix.
proc clear*(target: Target) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_Clear", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Clears the contents of the given render target. Fills the target with color [0, 0, 0, 0].
proc clearColor*(target: Target; color: Color) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_ClearColor", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Fills the given render target with a color.
proc clearRGB*(target: Target; r, g, b: uint8) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_ClearRGB",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Fills the given render target with a color (alpha is 255, fully opaque).
proc clearRGBA*(target: Target; r, g, b, a: uint8) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_ClearRGBA", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Fills the given render target with a color.
proc blit*(image: Image; srcRect: ptr Rect; target: Target; x, y: cfloat) {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_Blit", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Draws the given image to the given render target.

src_rect The region of the source image to use. Pass nil for the entire image.

x Destination x-position.

y Destination y-position.

proc blitRotate*(image: Image; srcRect: ptr Rect; target: Target; x: cfloat;
                 y: cfloat; degrees: cfloat) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_BlitRotate",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Rotates and draws the given image to the given render target.

src_rect The region of the source image to use. Pass nil for the entire image.

x Destination x-position.

y Destination y-position.

degrees Rotation angle (in degrees).

proc blitScale*(image: Image; srcRect: ptr Rect; target: Target; x: cfloat;
                y: cfloat; scaleX: cfloat; scaleY: cfloat) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_BlitScale", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Scales and draws the given image to the given render target.

src_rect The region of the source image to use. Pass nil for the entire image.

x Destination x-position.

y Destination y-position.

scaleX Horizontal stretch factor.

scaleY Vertical stretch factor.

proc blitTransform*(image: Image; srcRect: ptr Rect; target: Target; x: cfloat;
                    y: cfloat; degrees: cfloat; scaleX: cfloat; scaleY: cfloat) {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_BlitTransform", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Scales, rotates, and draws the given image to the given render target.

src_rect The region of the source image to use. Pass nil for the entire image.

x Destination x-position.

y Destination y-position.

degrees Rotation angle (in degrees).

scaleX Horizontal stretch factor.

scaleY Vertical stretch factor.

proc blitTransformX*(image: Image; srcRect: ptr Rect; target: Target; x: cfloat;
                     y: cfloat; pivotX: cfloat; pivotY: cfloat; degrees: cfloat;
                     scaleX: cfloat; scaleY: cfloat) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_BlitTransformX", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Scales, rotates around a pivot point, and draws the given image to the given render target. The drawing point (x, y) coincides with the pivot point on the src image (pivot_x, pivot_y).

src_rect The region of the source image to use Pass nil for the entire image.

x Destination x-position.

y Destination y-position.

pivot_x Pivot x-position (in image coordinates).

pivot_y Pivot y-position (in image coordinates).

degrees Rotation angle (in degrees).

scaleX Horizontal stretch factor.

scaleY Vertical stretch factor.

proc blitRect*(image: Image; srcRect: ptr Rect; target: Target;
               destRect: ptr Rect) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_BlitRect",
                                     dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Draws the given image to the given render target, scaling it to fit the destination region.

src_rect The region of the source image to use. Pass nil for the entire image.

dest_rect The region of the destination target image to draw upon. Pass nil for the entire target.

proc blitRectX*(image: Image; srcRect: ptr Rect; target: Target;
                destRect: ptr Rect; degrees: cfloat; pivotX: cfloat;
                pivotY: cfloat; flipDirection: Flip) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_BlitRectX", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Draws the given image to the given render target, scaling it to fit the destination region.

src_rect The region of the source image to use. Pass nil for the entire image.

dest_rect The region of the destination target image to draw upon. Pass nil for the entire target.

degrees Rotation angle (in degrees).

pivot_x Pivot x-position (in image coordinates).

pivot_y Pivot y-position (in image coordinates).

flip_direction A Flip enum value (or bitwise OR'd combination) that specifies which direction the image should be flipped.

proc triangleBatch*(image: Image; target: Target; numVertices: cushort;
                    values: ptr cfloat; numIndices: cuint; indices: ptr cushort;
                    flags: BatchFlags) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_TriangleBatch",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Renders triangles from the given set of vertices. This lets you render arbitrary 2D geometry. It is a direct path to the GPU, so the format is different than typical SDL_gpu calls.

values A tightly-packed array of vertex position (e.g. x,y), texture coordinates (e.g. s,t), and color (e.g. r,g,b,a) values. Texture coordinates and color values are expected to be already normalized to 0.0 - 1.0. Pass nil to render with only custom shader attributes.

indices If not nil, this is used to specify which vertices to use and in what order (i.e. it indexes the vertices in the values array).

flags Bit flags to control the interpretation of the values array parameters.

proc triangleBatchX*(image: Image; target: Target; numVertices: cushort;
                     values: pointer; numIndices: cuint; indices: ptr cushort;
                     flags: BatchFlags) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_TriangleBatchX",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Renders triangles from the given set of vertices. This lets you render arbitrary 2D geometry It is a direct path to the GPU, so the format is different than typical SDL_gpu calls.

values A tightly-packed array of vertex position (e.g. x,y), texture coordinates (e.g. s,t), and color (e.g. r,g,b,a) values. Texture coordinates and color values are expected to be already normalized to 0.0 - 1.0 (or 0 - 255 for 8-bit color components). Pass nil to render with only custom shader attributes.

indices If not nil, this is used to specify which vertices to use and in what order (i.e. it indexes the vertices in the values array).

flags Bit flags to control the interpretation of the values array parameters.

proc flushBlitBuffer*() {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_FlushBlitBuffer",
                          dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Send all buffered blitting data to the current context target.
proc flip*(target: Target) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_Flip", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Updates the given target's associated window. For non-context targets (e.g. image targets), this will flush the blit buffer.
proc pixel*(target: Target; x: cfloat; y: cfloat; color: Color) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_Pixel", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Renders a colored point.

target The destination render target.

x x-coord of the point.

y y-coord of the point.

color The color of the shape to render.

proc line*(target: Target; x1: cfloat; y1: cfloat; x2: cfloat; y2: cfloat;
           color: Color) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_Line", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Renders a colored line.

target The destination render target.

x1 x-coord of starting point.

y1 y-coord of starting point.

x2 x-coord of ending point.

y2 y-coord of ending point.

color The color of the shape to render.

proc arc*(target: Target; x: cfloat; y: cfloat; radius: cfloat;
          startAngle: cfloat; endAngle: cfloat; color: Color) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_Arc", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Renders a colored arc curve (circle segment).

target The destination render target.

x x-coord of center point.

y y-coord of center point.

radius The radius of the circle / distance from the center point that rendering will occur.

start_angle The angle to start from, in degrees. Measured clockwise from the positive x-axis.

end_angle The angle to end at, in degrees. Measured clockwise from the positive x-axis.

color The color of the shape to render.

proc arcFilled*(target: Target; x: cfloat; y: cfloat; radius: cfloat;
                startAngle: cfloat; endAngle: cfloat; color: Color) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_ArcFilled", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Renders a colored filled arc (circle segment / pie piece).

target The destination render target.

x x-coord of center point.

y y-coord of center point.

radius The radius of the circle / distance from the center point that rendering will occur.

start_angle The angle to start from, in degrees. Measured clockwise from the positive x-axis.

end_angle The angle to end at, in degrees. Measured clockwise from the positive x-axis.

color The color of the shape to render.

proc circle*(target: Target; x: cfloat; y: cfloat; radius: cfloat; color: Color) {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_Circle", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Renders a colored circle outline.

target The destination render target.

x x-coord of center point.

y y-coord of center point.

radius The radius of the circle / distance from the center point that rendering will occur.

color The color of the shape to render.

proc circleFilled*(target: Target; x: cfloat; y: cfloat; radius: cfloat;
                   color: Color) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_CircleFilled",
                                   dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Renders a colored filled circle.

target The destination render target.

x x-coord of center point.

y y-coord of center point.

radius The radius of the circle / distance from the center point that rendering will occur.

color The color of the shape to render.

proc ellipse*(target: Target; x: cfloat; y: cfloat; rx: cfloat; ry: cfloat;
              degrees: cfloat; color: Color) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_Ellipse",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Renders a colored ellipse outline.

target The destination render target.

x x-coord of center point.

y y-coord of center point.

rx x-radius of ellipse.

ry y-radius of ellipse.

degrees The angle to rotate the ellipse.

color The color of the shape to render.

proc ellipseFilled*(target: Target; x: cfloat; y: cfloat; rx: cfloat;
                    ry: cfloat; degrees: cfloat; color: Color) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_EllipseFilled", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Renders a colored filled ellipse.

target The destination render target.

x x-coord of center point.

y y-coord of center point.

rx x-radius of ellipse.

ry y-radius of ellipse.

degrees The angle to rotate the ellipse.

color The color of the shape to render.

proc sector*(target: Target; x: cfloat; y: cfloat; innerRadius: cfloat;
             outerRadius: cfloat; startAngle: cfloat; endAngle: cfloat;
             color: Color) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_Sector", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Renders a colored annular sector outline (ring segment).

target The destination render target.

x x-coord of center point.

y y-coord of center point.

inner_radius The inner radius of the ring.

outer_radius The outer radius of the ring.

start_angle The angle to start from, in degrees. Measured clockwise from the positive x-axis.

end_angle The angle to end at, in degrees. Measured clockwise from the positive x-axis.

color The color of the shape to render.

proc sectorFilled*(target: Target; x: cfloat; y: cfloat; innerRadius: cfloat;
                   outerRadius: cfloat; startAngle: cfloat; endAngle: cfloat;
                   color: Color) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_SectorFilled",
                                   dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Renders a colored filled annular sector (ring segment).

target The destination render target.

x x-coord of center point.

y y-coord of center point.

inner_radius The inner radius of the ring.

outer_radius The outer radius of the ring.

start_angle The angle to start from, in degrees. Measured clockwise from the positive x-axis.

end_angle The angle to end at, in degrees. Measured clockwise from the positive x-axis.

color The color of the shape to render.

proc tri*(target: Target; x1: cfloat; y1: cfloat; x2: cfloat; y2: cfloat;
          x3: cfloat; y3: cfloat; color: Color) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_Tri",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Renders a colored triangle outline.

target The destination render target.

x1 x-coord of first point.

y1 y-coord of first point.

x2 x-coord of second point.

y2 y-coord of second point.

x3 x-coord of third point.

y3 y-coord of third point.

color The color of the shape to render.

proc triFilled*(target: Target; x1: cfloat; y1: cfloat; x2: cfloat; y2: cfloat;
                x3: cfloat; y3: cfloat; color: Color) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_TriFilled", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Renders a colored filled triangle.

target The destination render target.

x1 x-coord of first point.

y1 y-coord of first point.

x2 x-coord of second point.

y2 y-coord of second point.

x3 x-coord of third point.

y3 y-coord of third point.

color The color of the shape to render.

proc rectangle*(target: Target; x1: cfloat; y1: cfloat; x2: cfloat; y2: cfloat;
                color: Color) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_Rectangle",
                                dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Renders a colored rectangle outline.

target The destination render target.

x1 x-coord of top-left corner.

y1 y-coord of top-left corner.

x2 x-coord of bottom-right corner.

y2 y-coord of bottom-right corner.

color The color of the shape to render.

proc rectangle2*(target: Target; rect: Rect; color: Color) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_Rectangle2", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Renders a colored rectangle outline.

target The destination render target.

rect The rectangular area to draw.

color The color of the shape to render.

proc rectangleFilled*(target: Target; x1: cfloat; y1: cfloat; x2: cfloat;
                      y2: cfloat; color: Color) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_RectangleFilled", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Renders a colored filled rectangle.

target The destination render target.

x1 x-coord of top-left corner.

y1 y-coord of top-left corner.

x2 x-coord of bottom-right corner.

y2 y-coord of bottom-right corner.

color The color of the shape to render.

proc rectangleFilled2*(target: Target; rect: Rect; color: Color) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_RectangleFilled2", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Renders a colored filled rectangle.

target The destination render target.

rect The rectangular area to draw.

color The color of the shape to render.

proc rectangleRound*(target: Target; x1: cfloat; y1: cfloat; x2: cfloat;
                     y2: cfloat; radius: cfloat; color: Color) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_RectangleRound", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Renders a colored rounded (filleted) rectangle outline.

target The destination render target.

x1 x-coord of top-left corner.

y1 y-coord of top-left corner.

x2 x-coord of bottom-right corner.

y2 y-coord of bottom-right corner.

radius The radius of the corners.

color The color of the shape to render.

proc rectangleRound2*(target: Target; rect: Rect; radius: cfloat; color: Color) {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_RectangleRound2", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Renders a colored rounded (filleted) rectangle outline.

target The destination render target.

rect The rectangular area to draw.

radius The radius of the corners.

color The color of the shape to render.

proc rectangleRoundFilled*(target: Target; x1: cfloat; y1: cfloat; x2: cfloat;
                           y2: cfloat; radius: cfloat; color: Color) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_RectangleRoundFilled", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Renders a colored filled rounded (filleted) rectangle.

target The destination render target.

x1 x-coord of top-left corner.

y1 y-coord of top-left corner.

x2 x-coord of bottom-right corner.

y2 y-coord of bottom-right corner.

radius The radius of the corners.

color The color of the shape to render.

proc rectangleRoundFilled2*(target: Target; rect: Rect; radius: cfloat;
                            color: Color) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_RectangleRoundFilled2", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Renders a colored filled rounded (filleted) rectangle.

target The destination render target.

rect The rectangular area to draw.

radius The radius of the corners.

color The color of the shape to render.

proc polygon*(target: Target; numVertices: cuint; vertices: ptr cfloat;
              color: Color) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_Polygon",
                              dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Renders a colored polygon outline. The vertices are expected to define a convex polygon.

target The destination render target.

num_vertices Number of vertices (x and y pairs).

vertices An array of vertex positions stored as interlaced x and y coords, e.g. [x1, y1, x2, y2, ...]

color The color of the shape to render.

proc polyline*(target: Target; numVertices: cuint; vertices: ptr cfloat;
               color: Color; closeLoop: bool) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_Polyline",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Renders a colored sequence of line segments.

target The destination render target

num_vertices Number of vertices (x and y pairs)

vertices An array of vertex positions stored as interlaced x and y coords, e.g. [x1, y1, x2, y2, ...]

color The color of the shape to render

close_loop Make a closed polygon by drawing a
line at the end back to the start point
proc polygonFilled*(target: Target; numVertices: cuint; vertices: ptr cfloat;
                    color: Color) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_PolygonFilled",
                                    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Renders a colored filled polygon. The vertices are expected to define a convex polygon.

target The destination render target.

num_vertices Number of vertices (x and y pairs).

vertices An array of vertex positions stored as interlaced x and y coords, e.g. [x1, y1, x2, y2, ...]

color The color of the shape to render.

proc createShaderProgram*(): uint32 {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_CreateShaderProgram",
                                      dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Creates a new, empty shader program. You will need to compile shaders, attach them to the program, then link the program.

See also:



proc freeShaderProgram*(programObject: uint32) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_FreeShaderProgram", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Deletes a shader program.
proc compileShaderRW*(shaderType: ShaderType; shaderSource: ptr RWops;
                      freeRwops: bool): uint32 {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_CompileShader_RW", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Loads shader source from SDL's RWops, compiles it, and returns the new shader object.
proc compileShader*(shaderType: ShaderType; shaderSource: cstring): uint32 {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_CompileShader", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Compiles shader source and returns the new shader object.
proc loadShader*(shaderType: ShaderType; filename: cstring): uint32 {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_LoadShader", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Loads shader source from a file, compiles it, and returns the new shader object.
proc linkShaders*(shaderObject1: uint32; shaderObject2: uint32): uint32 {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_LinkShaders", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Creates and links a shader program with the given shader objects.
proc linkManyShaders*(shaderObjects: ptr uint32; count: cint): uint32 {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_LinkManyShaders", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Creates and links a shader program with the given shader objects.
proc freeShader*(shaderObject: uint32) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_FreeShader",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Deletes a shader object.
proc attachShader*(programObject: uint32; shaderObject: uint32) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_AttachShader", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Attaches a shader object to a shader program for future linking.
proc detachShader*(programObject: uint32; shaderObject: uint32) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_DetachShader", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Detaches a shader object from a shader program.
proc linkShaderProgram*(programObject: uint32): bool {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_LinkShaderProgram", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Links a shader program with any attached shader objects.
proc getCurrentShaderProgram*(): uint32 {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_GetCurrentShaderProgram", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Return the current shader program.
proc isDefaultShaderProgram*(programObject: uint32): bool {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_IsDefaultShaderProgram", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Return 1 if the given shader program is a default shader for the current context, 0 otherwise.
proc activateShaderProgram*(programObject: uint32; `block`: ptr ShaderBlock) {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_ActivateShaderProgram", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Activates the given shader program. Passing nil for block will disable the built-in shader variables for custom shaders until a shaderBlock is set again.
proc deactivateShaderProgram*() {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_DeactivateShaderProgram",
                                  dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Deactivates the current shader program (activates program 0).
proc getShaderMessage*(): cstring {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_GetShaderMessage",
                                    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Return the last shader log message.
proc getAttributeLocation*(programObject: uint32; attribName: cstring): cint {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_GetAttributeLocation", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Return an integer representing the location of the specified attribute shader variable.
proc makeAttributeFormat*(numElemsPerVertex: cint; `type`: AttributeType;
                          normalize: bool; strideBytes: cint; offsetBytes: cint): AttributeFormat {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_MakeAttributeFormat", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Return a filled attributeFormat object.
proc makeAttribute*(location: cint; values: pointer; format: AttributeFormat): Attribute {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_MakeAttribute", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Return a filled attribute object.
proc getUniformLocation*(programObject: uint32; uniformName: cstring): cint {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_GetUniformLocation", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Return an integer representing the location of the specified uniform shader variable.
proc loadShaderBlock*(programObject: uint32; positionName: cstring;
                      texcoordName: cstring; colorName: cstring;
                      modelViewMatrixName: cstring): ShaderBlock {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_LoadShaderBlock", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Loads the given shader program's built-in attribute and uniform locations.
proc setShaderBlock*(`block`: ShaderBlock) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetShaderBlock", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets the current shader block to use the given attribute and uniform locations.
proc getShaderBlock*(): ShaderBlock {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_GetShaderBlock",
                                      dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Gets the shader block for the current shader.
proc setShaderImage*(image: Image; location: cint; imageUnit: cint) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetShaderImage", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Sets the given image unit to the given image so that a custom shader can sample multiple textures.

image The source image/texture. Pass nil to disable the image unit.

location The uniform location of a texture sampler.

image_unit The index of the texture unit to set. 0 is the first unit, which is used by SDL_gpu's blitting functions. 1 would be the second unit.

proc getUniformiv*(programObject: uint32; location: cint; values: ptr cint) {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_GetUniformiv", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Fills values with the value of the uniform shader variable at the given location.
proc setUniformi*(location: cint; value: cint) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetUniformi", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets the value of the integer uniform shader variable at the given location. This is equivalent to calling setUniformiv(location, 1, 1, addr(value)).
proc setUniformiv*(location: cint; numElementsPerValue: cint; numValues: cint;
                   values: ptr cint) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_SetUniformiv",
                                       dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets the value of the integer uniform shader variable at the given location.
proc getUniformuiv*(programObject: uint32; location: cint; values: ptr cuint) {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_GetUniformuiv", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Fills values with the value of the uniform shader variable at the given location.
proc setUniformui*(location: cint; value: cuint) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetUniformui", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets the value of the unsigned integer uniform shader variable at the given location. This is equivalent to calling setUniformuiv(location, 1, 1, addr(value)).
proc setUniformuiv*(location: cint; numElementsPerValue: cint; numValues: cint;
                    values: ptr cuint) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_SetUniformuiv",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets the value of the unsigned integer uniform shader variable at the given location.
proc getUniformfv*(programObject: uint32; location: cint; values: ptr cfloat) {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_GetUniformfv", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Fills values with the value of the uniform shader variable at the given location.
proc setUniformf*(location: cint; value: cfloat) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetUniformf", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets the value of the floating point uniform shader variable at the given location. This is equivalent to calling setUniformfv(location, 1, 1, addr(value)).
proc setUniformfv*(location: cint; numElementsPerValue: cint; numValues: cint;
                   values: ptr cfloat) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "GPU_SetUniformfv",
    dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets the value of the floating point uniform shader variable at the given location.
proc getUniformMatrixfv*(programObject: uint32; location: cint;
                         values: ptr cfloat) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_GetUniformMatrixfv", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Fills values with the value of the uniform shader variable at the given location. The results are identical to calling getUniformfv(). Matrices are gotten in column-major order.
proc setUniformMatrixfv*(location: cint; numMatrices: cint; numRows: cint;
                         numColumns: cint; transpose: bool; values: ptr cfloat) {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_SetUniformMatrixfv", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}

Sets the value of the matrix uniform shader variable at the given location.

The size of the matrices sent is specified by num_rows and num_columns. Rows and columns must be between 2 and 4.

proc setAttributef*(location: cint; value: cfloat) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetAttributef", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets a constant-value shader attribute that will be used for each rendered vertex.
proc setAttributei*(location: cint; value: cint) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetAttributei", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets a constant-value shader attribute that will be used for each rendered vertex.
proc setAttributeui*(location: cint; value: cuint) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetAttributeui", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets a constant-value shader attribute that will be used for each rendered vertex.
proc setAttributefv*(location: cint; numElements: cint; value: ptr cfloat) {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_SetAttributefv", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets a constant-value shader attribute that will be used for each rendered vertex.
proc setAttributeiv*(location: cint; numElements: cint; value: ptr cint) {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_SetAttributeiv", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets a constant-value shader attribute that will be used for each rendered vertex.
proc setAttributeuiv*(location: cint; numElements: cint; value: ptr cuint) {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "GPU_SetAttributeuiv", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Sets a constant-value shader attribute that will be used for each rendered vertex.
proc setAttributeSource*(numValues: cint; source: Attribute) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "GPU_SetAttributeSource", dynlib: SDL2_GPU_LIB.}
Enables a shader attribute and sets its source data.