

Note: all ___Color routines expect the color to be in format 0xRRGGBBAA.


MAJOR* = 1
MINOR* = 0
MICRO* = 1


proc pixelColor*(renderer: Renderer; x: int16; y: int16; color: uint32): cint {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "pixelColor", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Pixel draw with alpha blending enabled if a < 255.

x, y Coordinates of the pixel.

proc pixelRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; x: int16; y: int16; r: uint8; g: uint8;
                b: uint8; a: uint8): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "pixelRGBA",
    dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Pixel draw with alpha blending enabled if a < 255.

x, y Coordinates of the pixel.

proc hlineColor*(renderer: Renderer; x1: int16; x2: int16; y: int16;
                 color: uint32): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "hlineColor",
                                        dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw horizontal line with alpha blending.

x1 X coordinate of the first point (i.e. left) of the line.

x2 X coordinate of the second point (i.e. right) of the line.

y Y coordinate of the points of the line.

proc hlineRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; x1: int16; x2: int16; y: int16; r: uint8;
                g: uint8; b: uint8; a: uint8): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "hlineRGBA", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw horizontal line with alpha blending.

x1 X coordinate of the first point (i.e. left) of the line.

x2 X coordinate of the second point (i.e. right) of the line.

y Y coordinate of the points of the line.

proc vlineColor*(renderer: Renderer; x: int16; y1: int16; y2: int16;
                 color: uint32): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "vlineColor",
                                        dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw vertical line with alpha blending.

x X coordinate of the points of the line.

y1 Y coordinate of the first point (i.e. top) of the line.

y2 Y coordinate of the second point (i.e. bottom) of the line.

proc vlineRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; x: int16; y1: int16; y2: int16; r: uint8;
                g: uint8; b: uint8; a: uint8): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "vlineRGBA", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw vertical line with alpha blending.

x X coordinate of the points of the line.

y1 Y coordinate of the first point (i.e. top) of the line.

y2 Y coordinate of the second point (i.e. bottom) of the line.

proc rectangleColor*(renderer: Renderer; x1: int16; y1: int16; x2: int16;
                     y2: int16; color: uint32): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "rectangleColor", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw rectangle with alpha blending.

x1, y1 Coordinates of the first point (i.e. top right) of the rectangle.

x2, y2 Coordinates of the second point (i.e. bottom left) of the rectangle.

proc rectangleRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; x1: int16; y1: int16; x2: int16;
                    y2: int16; r: uint8; g: uint8; b: uint8; a: uint8): cint {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "rectangleRGBA", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw rectangle with alpha blending.

x1, y1 Coordinates of the first point (i.e. top right) of the rectangle.

x2, y2 Coordinates of the second point (i.e. bottom left) of the rectangle.

proc roundedRectangleColor*(renderer: Renderer; x1: int16; y1: int16; x2: int16;
                            y2: int16; rad: int16; color: uint32): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "roundedRectangleColor", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw rounded-corner rectangle with alpha blending.

x1, y1 Coordinates of the first point (i.e. top right) of the rectangle.

x2, y2 Coordinates of the second point (i.e. bottom left) of the rectangle.

rad The radius of the corner arc.

proc roundedRectangleRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; x1: int16; y1: int16; x2: int16;
                           y2: int16; rad: int16; r: uint8; g: uint8; b: uint8;
                           a: uint8): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "roundedRectangleRGBA", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw rounded-corner rectangle with alpha blending.

x1, y1 Coordinates of the first point (i.e. top right) of the rectangle.

x2, y2 Coordinates of the second point (i.e. bottom left) of the rectangle.

rad The radius of the corner arc.

proc boxColor*(renderer: Renderer; x1: int16; y1: int16; x2: int16; y2: int16;
               color: uint32): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "boxColor",
                                      dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw box (filled rectangle) with alpha blending.

x1, y1 Coordinates of the first point (i.e. top right) of the box.

x2, y2 Coordinates of the second point (i.e. bottom left) of the box.

proc boxRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; x1: int16; y1: int16; x2: int16; y2: int16;
              r: uint8; g: uint8; b: uint8; a: uint8): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "boxRGBA", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw box (filled rectangle) with alpha blending.

x1, y1 Coordinates of the first point (i.e. top right) of the box.

x2, y2 Coordinates of the second point (i.e. bottom left) of the box.

proc roundedBoxColor*(renderer: Renderer; x1: int16; y1: int16; x2: int16;
                      y2: int16; rad: int16; color: uint32): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "roundedBoxColor", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw rounded-corner box (filled rectangle) with alpha blending.

x1, y1 Coordinates of the first point (i.e. top right) of the box.

x2, y2 Coordinates of the second point (i.e. bottom left) of the box.

rad The radius of the cornder arcs of the box.

proc roundedBoxRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; x1: int16; y1: int16; x2: int16;
                     y2: int16; rad: int16; r: uint8; g: uint8; b: uint8;
                     a: uint8): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "roundedBoxRGBA",
                                       dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw rounded-corner box (filled rectangle) with alpha blending.

x1, y1 Coordinates of the first point (i.e. top right) of the box.

x2, y2 Coordinates of the second point (i.e. bottom left) of the box.

rad The radius of the cornder arcs of the box.

proc lineColor*(renderer: Renderer; x1: int16; y1: int16; x2: int16; y2: int16;
                color: uint32): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "lineColor",
                                       dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw line with alpha blending.

x1, y1 Coordinates of the first point of the line.

x2, y2 Coordinates of the second point of the line.

proc lineRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; x1: int16; y1: int16; x2: int16; y2: int16;
               r: uint8; g: uint8; b: uint8; a: uint8): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "lineRGBA", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw line with alpha blending.

x1, y1 Coordinates of the first point of the line.

x2, y2 Coordinates of the second point of the line.

proc aalineColor*(renderer: Renderer; x1: int16; y1: int16; x2: int16;
                  y2: int16; color: uint32): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "aalineColor", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw anti-aliased line with alpha blending.

x1, y1 Coordinates of the first point of the aa-line.

x2, y2 Coordinates of the second point of the aa-line.

proc aalineRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; x1: int16; y1: int16; x2: int16; y2: int16;
                 r: uint8; g: uint8; b: uint8; a: uint8): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "aalineRGBA", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw anti-aliased line with alpha blending.

x1, y1 Coordinates of the first point of the aa-line.

x2, y2 Coordinates of the second point of the aa-line.

proc thickLineColor*(renderer: Renderer; x1: int16; y1: int16; x2: int16;
                     y2: int16; width: uint8; color: uint32): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "thickLineColor", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw thick line with alpha blending.

x1, y1 Coordinates of the first point of the line.

x2, y2 Coordinates of the second point of the line.

width Width of the line in pixels. Must be >0.

proc thickLineRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; x1: int16; y1: int16; x2: int16;
                    y2: int16; width: uint8; r: uint8; g: uint8; b: uint8;
                    a: uint8): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "thickLineRGBA",
                                      dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw thick line with alpha blending.

x1, y1 Coordinates of the first point of the line.

x2, y2 Coordinates of the second point of the line.

width Width of the line in pixels. Must be >0.

proc circleColor*(renderer: Renderer; x: int16; y: int16; rad: int16;
                  color: uint32): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "circleColor",
    dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw circle with alpha blending.

x, y Coordinates of the center of the circle.

rad Radius in pixels of the circle.

proc circleRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; x: int16; y: int16; rad: int16; r: uint8;
                 g: uint8; b: uint8; a: uint8): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "circleRGBA", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw circle with alpha blending.

x, y Coordinates of the center of the circle.

rad Radius in pixels of the circle.

proc arcColor*(renderer: Renderer; x: int16; y: int16; rad: int16; start: int16;
               finish: int16; color: uint32): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "arcColor",
    dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw arc with alpha blending.

x, y Coordinates of the center of the arc.

rad Radius in pixels of the arc.

start, end Starting and ending radius in degrees of the arc. 0 degrees is down, increasing counterclockwise.

proc arcRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; x: int16; y: int16; rad: int16; start: int16;
              finish: int16; r: uint8; g: uint8; b: uint8; a: uint8): cint {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "arcRGBA", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw arc with alpha blending.

x, y Coordinates of the center of the arc.

rad Radius in pixels of the arc.

start, end Starting and ending radius in degrees of the arc. 0 degrees is down, increasing counterclockwise.

proc aacircleColor*(renderer: Renderer; x: int16; y: int16; rad: int16;
                    color: uint32): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "aacircleColor",
    dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw anti-aliased circle with alpha blending.

x, y Coordinates of the center of the aa-circle.

rad Radius in pixels of the aa-circle.

proc aacircleRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; x: int16; y: int16; rad: int16; r: uint8;
                   g: uint8; b: uint8; a: uint8): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "aacircleRGBA", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw anti-aliased circle with alpha blending.

x, y Coordinates of the center of the aa-circle.

rad Radius in pixels of the aa-circle.

proc filledCircleColor*(renderer: Renderer; x: int16; y: int16; r: int16;
                        color: uint32): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "filledCircleColor", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw filled circle with alpha blending.

x, y Coordinates of the center of the filled circle.

rad Radius in pixels of the filled circle.

proc filledCircleRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; x: int16; y: int16; rad: int16;
                       r: uint8; g: uint8; b: uint8; a: uint8): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "filledCircleRGBA", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw filled circle with alpha blending.

x, y Coordinates of the center of the filled circle.

rad Radius in pixels of the filled circle.

proc ellipseColor*(renderer: Renderer; x: int16; y: int16; rx: int16; ry: int16;
                   color: uint32): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "ellipseColor",
    dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw ellipse with alpha blending.

x, y Coordinates of the center of the ellipse.

rx Horizontal radius in pixels of the ellipse.

ry Vertical radius in pixels of the ellipse.

proc ellipseRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; x: int16; y: int16; rx: int16; ry: int16;
                  r: uint8; g: uint8; b: uint8; a: uint8): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "ellipseRGBA", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw ellipse with alpha blending.

x, y Coordinates of the center of the ellipse.

rx Horizontal radius in pixels of the ellipse.

ry Vertical radius in pixels of the ellipse.

proc aaellipseColor*(renderer: Renderer; x: int16; y: int16; rx: int16;
                     ry: int16; color: uint32): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "aaellipseColor", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw anti-aliased ellipse with alpha blending.

x, y Coordinates of the center of the aa-ellipse.

rx Horizontal radius in pixels of the aa-ellipse.

ry Vertical radius in pixels of the aa-ellipse.

proc aaellipseRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; x: int16; y: int16; rx: int16;
                    ry: int16; r: uint8; g: uint8; b: uint8; a: uint8): cint {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "aaellipseRGBA", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw anti-aliased ellipse with alpha blending.

x, y Coordinates of the center of the aa-ellipse.

rx Horizontal radius in pixels of the aa-ellipse.

ry Vertical radius in pixels of the aa-ellipse.

proc filledEllipseColor*(renderer: Renderer; x: int16; y: int16; rx: int16;
                         ry: int16; color: uint32): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "filledEllipseColor", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw filled ellipse with alpha blending.

x, y Coordinates of the center of the filled ellipse.

rx Horizontal radius in pixels of the filled ellipse.

ry Vertical radius in pixels of the filled ellipse.

proc filledEllipseRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; x: int16; y: int16; rx: int16;
                        ry: int16; r: uint8; g: uint8; b: uint8; a: uint8): cint {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "filledEllipseRGBA", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw filled ellipse with alpha blending.

x, y Coordinates of the center of the filled ellipse.

rx Horizontal radius in pixels of the filled ellipse.

ry Vertical radius in pixels of the filled ellipse.

proc pieColor*(renderer: Renderer; x: int16; y: int16; rad: int16; start: int16;
               finish: int16; color: uint32): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "pieColor",
    dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw pie (outline) with alpha blending.

x, y Coordinates of the center of the pie.

rad Radius in pixels of the pie.

start, end Starting and ending radius in degrees of the pie.

proc pieRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; x: int16; y: int16; rad: int16; start: int16;
              finish: int16; r: uint8; g: uint8; b: uint8; a: uint8): cint {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "pieRGBA", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw pie (outline) with alpha blending.

x, y Coordinates of the center of the pie.

rad Radius in pixels of the pie.

start, end Starting and ending radius in degrees of the pie.

proc filledPieColor*(renderer: Renderer; x: int16; y: int16; rad: int16;
                     start: int16; finish: int16; color: uint32): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "filledPieColor", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw filled pie with alpha blending.

x, y Coordinates of the center of the filled pie.

rad Radius in pixels of the filled pie.

start, end Starting and ending radius in degrees of the filled pie.

proc filledPieRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; x: int16; y: int16; rad: int16;
                    start: int16; finish: int16; r: uint8; g: uint8; b: uint8;
                    a: uint8): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "filledPieRGBA",
                                      dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw filled pie with alpha blending.

x, y Coordinates of the center of the filled pie.

rad Radius in pixels of the filled pie.

start, end Starting and ending radius in degrees of the filled pie.

proc trigonColor*(renderer: Renderer; x1: int16; y1: int16; x2: int16;
                  y2: int16; x3: int16; y3: int16; color: uint32): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "trigonColor", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw trigon (triangle outline) with alpha blending.

x1, y1 Coordinates of the first point of the trigon.

x2, y2 Coordinates of the second point of the trigon.

x3, y3 Coordinates of the third point of the trigon.

proc trigonRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; x1: int16; y1: int16; x2: int16; y2: int16;
                 x3: int16; y3: int16; r: uint8; g: uint8; b: uint8; a: uint8): cint {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "trigonRGBA", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw trigon (triangle outline) with alpha blending.

x1, y1 Coordinates of the first point of the trigon.

x2, y2 Coordinates of the second point of the trigon.

x3, y3 Coordinates of the third point of the trigon.

proc aatrigonColor*(renderer: Renderer; x1: int16; y1: int16; x2: int16;
                    y2: int16; x3: int16; y3: int16; color: uint32): cint {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "aatrigonColor", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw anti-aliased trigon (triangle outline) with alpha blending.

x1, y1 Coordinates of the first point of the aa-trigon.

x2, y2 Coordinates of the second point of the aa-trigon.

x3, y3 Coordinates of the third point of the aa-trigon.

proc aatrigonRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; x1: int16; y1: int16; x2: int16;
                   y2: int16; x3: int16; y3: int16; r: uint8; g: uint8;
                   b: uint8; a: uint8): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "aatrigonRGBA",
    dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw anti-aliased trigon (triangle outline) with alpha blending.

x1, y1 Coordinates of the first point of the aa-trigon.

x2, y2 Coordinates of the second point of the aa-trigon.

x3, y3 Coordinates of the third point of the aa-trigon.

proc filledTrigonColor*(renderer: Renderer; x1: int16; y1: int16; x2: int16;
                        y2: int16; x3: int16; y3: int16; color: uint32): cint {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "filledTrigonColor", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw filled trigon (triangle) with alpha blending.

x1, y1 Coordinates of the first point of the filled trigon.

x2, y2 Coordinates of the first point of the filled trigon.

x3, y3 Coordinates of the first point of the filled trigon.

proc filledTrigonRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; x1: int16; y1: int16; x2: int16;
                       y2: int16; x3: int16; y3: int16; r: uint8; g: uint8;
                       b: uint8; a: uint8): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "filledTrigonRGBA", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw filled trigon (triangle) with alpha blending.

x1, y1 Coordinates of the first point of the filled trigon.

x2, y2 Coordinates of the first point of the filled trigon.

x3, y3 Coordinates of the first point of the filled trigon.

proc polygonColor*(renderer: Renderer; vx: ptr int16; vy: ptr int16; n: cint;
                   color: uint32): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "polygonColor",
    dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw polygon with alpha blending.

vx, vy Vertex arrays containing coordinates of the points of the polygon.

n Number of points in the vertex array. Minimum number is 3.

proc polygonRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; vx: ptr int16; vy: ptr int16; n: cint;
                  r: uint8; g: uint8; b: uint8; a: uint8): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "polygonRGBA", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw polygon with alpha blending.

vx, vy Vertex arrays containing coordinates of the points of the polygon.

n Number of points in the vertex array. Minimum number is 3.

proc aapolygonColor*(renderer: Renderer; vx: ptr int16; vy: ptr int16; n: cint;
                     color: uint32): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "aapolygonColor",
    dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw anti-aliased polygon with alpha blending.

vx, vy Vertex arrays containing coordinates of the points of the aa-polygon.

n Number of points in the vertex array. Minimum number is 3.

proc aapolygonRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; vx: ptr int16; vy: ptr int16; n: cint;
                    r: uint8; g: uint8; b: uint8; a: uint8): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "aapolygonRGBA", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw anti-aliased polygon with alpha blending.

vx, vy Vertex arrays containing coordinates of the points of the aa-polygon.

n Number of points in the vertex array. Minimum number is 3.

proc filledPolygonColor*(renderer: Renderer; vx: ptr int16; vy: ptr int16;
                         n: cint; color: uint32): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "filledPolygonColor", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw filled polygon with alpha blending.

vx, vy Vertex arrays containing coordinates of the points of the filled polygon.

n Number of points in the vertex array. Minimum number is 3.

proc filledPolygonRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; vx: ptr int16; vy: ptr int16;
                        n: cint; r: uint8; g: uint8; b: uint8; a: uint8): cint {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "filledPolygonRGBA", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw filled polygon with alpha blending.

vx, vy Vertex arrays containing coordinates of the points of the filled polygon.

n Number of points in the vertex array. Minimum number is 3.

proc texturedPolygon*(renderer: Renderer; vx: ptr int16; vy: ptr int16; n: cint;
                      texture: Surface; texture_dx: cint; texture_dy: cint): cint {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "texturedPolygon", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw polygon filled with the given texture.

vx, vy Vertex arrays containing coordinates of the points of the textured polygon.

n Number of points in the vertex array. Minimum number is 3.

texture The sdl.Surface to use to fill the polygon.

texture_dx, texture_dy The offset of the texture relative to the screen. If you move the polygon 10 pixels to the left and want the texture to appear the same, you need to increase the texture_dx value.

proc bezierColor*(renderer: Renderer; vx: ptr int16; vy: ptr int16; n: cint;
                  s: cint; color: uint32): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "bezierColor",
    dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw a bezier curve with alpha blending.

vx, vy Vertex arrays containing coordinates of the points of the bezier curve.

n Number of points in the vertex array. Minimum number is 3.

s Number of steps for the interpolation. Minimum number is 2.

proc bezierRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; vx: ptr int16; vy: ptr int16; n: cint;
                 s: cint; r: uint8; g: uint8; b: uint8; a: uint8): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "bezierRGBA", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw a bezier curve with alpha blending.

vx, vy Vertex arrays containing coordinates of the points of the bezier curve.

n Number of points in the vertex array. Minimum number is 3.

s Number of steps for the interpolation. Minimum number is 2.

proc gfxPrimitivesSetFont*(fontdata: pointer; cw: uint32; ch: uint32) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "gfxPrimitivesSetFont", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Sets or resets the current global font data.

The font data array is organized in follows:

[fontdata] = [character 0][character 1]...[character 255] where [character n] = [byte 1 row 1][byte 2 row 1]...[byte {pitch} row 1] [byte 1 row 2] ...[byte {pitch} row height] where [byte n] = [bit 0]...[bit 7] where [bit n] = [0 for transparent pixel|1 for colored pixel]

fontdata Pointer to array of font data. Set to nil, to reset global font to the default 8x8 font.

cw, ch Width and height of character in bytes. Ignored if fontdata == nil.

proc gfxPrimitivesSetFontRotation*(rotation: uint32) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "gfxPrimitivesSetFontRotation", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Sets current global font character rotation steps.

Default is 0 (no rotation).

1 = 90deg clockwise.

2 = 180deg clockwise.

3 = 270deg clockwise.

Changing the rotation, will reset the character cache.

rotation Number of 90deg clockwise steps to rotate.

proc characterColor*(renderer: Renderer; x: int16; y: int16; c: char;
                     color: uint32): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "characterColor",
    dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw a character of the currently set font.

x, y Coordinates of the upper left corner of the character.

c The character to draw.

proc characterRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; x: int16; y: int16; c: char; r: uint8;
                    g: uint8; b: uint8; a: uint8): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "characterRGBA", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw a character of the currently set font.

x, y Coordinates of the upper left corner of the character.

c The character to draw.

proc stringColor*(renderer: Renderer; x: int16; y: int16; s: cstring;
                  color: uint32): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "stringColor",
    dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw a string in the currently set font.

x, y Coordinates of the upper left corner of the string.

s The string to draw.

proc stringRGBA*(renderer: Renderer; x: int16; y: int16; s: cstring; r: uint8;
                 g: uint8; b: uint8; a: uint8): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "stringRGBA", dynlib: SDL2_GFX_LIB.}

Draw a string in the currently set font.

x, y Coordinates of the upper left corner of the string.

s The string to draw.