

SDL2 MPEG Player library.

Use ffmpeg to convert media files to the supported format:

ffmpeg -i input_file -target ntsc-vcd -c:v mpeg1video -c:a mp2 output.mpg


Version* = object
  major*: uint8
  minor*: uint8
  patch*: uint8
Smpeg* = pointer
This is the actual SMPEG object
Frame* = ptr FrameObj
FrameObj* = object
  w*: cuint
  h*: cuint
  imageWidth*: cuint
  imageHeight*: cuint
  image*: ptr uint8
A YV12 format video frame
Info* = object
  hasAudio*: cint
  hasVideo*: cint
  width*: cint
  height*: cint
  currentFrame*: cint
  currentFps*: cdouble
  audioString*: array[80, char]
  audioCurrentFrame*: cint
  currentOffset*: uint32
  totalSize*: uint32
  currentTime*: cdouble
  totalTime*: cdouble
Used to get information about the SMPEG object
SMPEGstatus* {...}{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
Possible MPEG status codes
DisplayCallback* = proc (data: pointer; frame: Frame) {...}{.cdecl.}

Matches the declaration of sdl.updateRect()

data Your custom movie object, should contain at least Frame field.

frame New frame data. Use it to update target texture on render with updateTexture() call. Target texture should be of sdl.PixelFormat_YV12 format and with sdl.TextureAccessStreaming access.

Minimal viable implementation:

proc update(data: pointer, frame: Frame) {.cdecl.} =
  var movie = cast[MyCustomMovie](data)
  movie.frame = frame




proc new*(file: cstring; info: ptr Info; sdlAudio: bool): Smpeg {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "SMPEG_new", dynlib: SMPEG2_LIB.}

Create a new SMPEG object from an MPEG file.

On return, if info is not nil, it will be filled with information about the MPEG object.

This procedure returns a new SMPEG object. Use smpeg.error() to find out whether or not there was a problem building the MPEG stream.

The sdl_audio parameter indicates if SMPEG should initialize the SDL audio subsystem. If not, you will have to use the smpeg.playaudio() procedure below to extract the decoded data.

proc newDescr*(file: cint; info: ptr Info; sdlAudio: bool): Smpeg {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "SMPEG_new_descr", dynlib: SMPEG2_LIB.}
The same as above for a file descriptor
proc newData*(data: pointer; size: cint; info: ptr Info; sdlAudio: bool): Smpeg {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "SMPEG_new_data", dynlib: SMPEG2_LIB.}

The same as above but for a raw chunk of data.

SMPEG makes a copy of the data, so the application is free to delete after a successful call to this procedure.

proc newRwops*(src: ptr sdl.RWops; info: ptr Info; freesrc: bool; sdlAudio: bool): Smpeg {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "SMPEG_new_rwops", dynlib: SMPEG2_LIB.}

The same for a generic sdl.RWops structure.

freesrc should be true if SMPEG should close the source when it's done.

proc getInfo*(mpeg: Smpeg; info: ptr Info) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SMPEG_getinfo",
    dynlib: SMPEG2_LIB.}
Get current information about an SMPEG object.
proc enableAudio*(mpeg: Smpeg; enable: bool) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "SMPEG_enableaudio", dynlib: SMPEG2_LIB.}
Enable or disable audio playback in MPEG stream.
proc enableVideo*(mpeg: Smpeg; enable: bool) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "SMPEG_enablevideo", dynlib: SMPEG2_LIB.}
Enable or disable video playback in MPEG stream.
proc delete*(mpeg: Smpeg) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SMPEG_delete", dynlib: SMPEG2_LIB.}
Delete an SMPEG object.
proc status*(mpeg: Smpeg): SMPEGstatus {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SMPEG_status",
    dynlib: SMPEG2_LIB.}
Get the current status of an SMPEG object.
proc setVolume*(mpeg: Smpeg; volume: cint) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SMPEG_setvolume",
    dynlib: SMPEG2_LIB.}
Set the audio volume of an MPEG stream, in the range 0-100.
proc setDisplay*(mpeg: Smpeg; callback: DisplayCallback; data: pointer;
                 lock: sdl.Mutex) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SMPEG_setdisplay",
                                    dynlib: SMPEG2_LIB.}

Set the frame display callback for MPEG video.

lock is a mutex used to synchronize access to the frame data, and is held during the update callback.

proc loop*(mpeg: Smpeg; repeat: bool) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SMPEG_loop",
                                        dynlib: SMPEG2_LIB.}
Set or clear looping play on an SMPEG object.
proc play*(mpeg: Smpeg) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SMPEG_play", dynlib: SMPEG2_LIB.}
Play an SMPEG object.
proc pause*(mpeg: Smpeg) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SMPEG_pause", dynlib: SMPEG2_LIB.}
Pause/Resume playback of an SMPEG object.
proc stop*(mpeg: Smpeg) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SMPEG_stop", dynlib: SMPEG2_LIB.}
Stop playback of an SMPEG object.
proc rewind*(mpeg: Smpeg) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SMPEG_rewind", dynlib: SMPEG2_LIB.}
Rewind the play position of an SMPEG object to the beginning of the MPEG.
proc seek*(mpeg: Smpeg; bytes: cint) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SMPEG_seek",
                                       dynlib: SMPEG2_LIB.}
Seek bytes bytes in the MPEG stream.
proc skip*(mpeg: Smpeg; seconds: cfloat) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SMPEG_skip",
    dynlib: SMPEG2_LIB.}
Skip seconds seconds in the MPEG stream.
proc renderFrame*(mpeg: Smpeg; framenum: cint) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "SMPEG_renderFrame", dynlib: SMPEG2_LIB.}
Render a particular frame in the MPEG video.
proc renderFinal*(mpeg: Smpeg) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SMPEG_renderFinal",
                                 dynlib: SMPEG2_LIB.}
Render the last frame of an MPEG video.
proc error*(mpeg: Smpeg): cstring {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SMPEG_error",
                                    dynlib: SMPEG2_LIB.}
Return nil if there is no error in the MPEG stream, or an error message if there was a fatal error in the MPEG stream for the SMPEG object.
proc playAudio*(mpeg: Smpeg; stream: ptr uint8; len: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "SMPEG_playAudio", dynlib: SMPEG2_LIB.}

Exported callback procedure for audio playback.

The procedure takes a buffer and the amount of data to fill, and returns the amount of data in bytes that was actually written. This will be the amount requested unless the MPEG audio has finished.

proc playAudioSDL*(mpeg: pointer; stream: ptr uint8; len: cint) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "SMPEG_playAudioSDL", dynlib: SMPEG2_LIB.}
Wrapper for smpeg.playAudio() that can be passed to SDL and SDL_mixer.
proc wantedSpec*(mpeg: Smpeg; wanted: ptr sdl.AudioSpec): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "SMPEG_wantedSpec", dynlib: SMPEG2_LIB.}
Get the best SDL audio spec for the audio stream.
proc actualSpec*(mpeg: Smpeg; spec: ptr sdl.AudioSpec) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "SMPEG_actualSpec", dynlib: SMPEG2_LIB.}
Inform SMPEG of the actual SDL audio spec used for sound playback.


template version*(x: untyped)
This template can be used to fill a version structure with the compile-time version of the SDL library.