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Simple error message routines for SDL.


proc setError*(fmt: cstring): cint {...}{.varargs, cdecl, importc: "SDL_SetError",
                                     dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}

Set the error message for the current thread.

Return -1, there is no error handling for this procedure.

proc getError*(): cstring {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_GetError", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}

Get the last error message that was set.

SDL API procedures may set error messages and then succeed, so you should only use the error value if a procedure fails.

This returns a pointer to a static buffer for convenience and should not be called by multiple threads simultaneously.

Return a cstring of the last error message that was set.

proc getErrorMsg*(errstr: cstring; maxlen: cint): cstring {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "SDL_GetErrorMsg", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}

Get the last error message that was set for the current thread.

SDL API procedures may set error messages and then succeed, so you should only use the error value if a procedure fails.

errstr A buffer to fill with the last error message that was set for the current thread

maxlen The size of the buffer pointed to by the errstr parameter

Return errstr.

proc clearError*() {...}{.cdecl, importc: "SDL_ClearError", dynlib: SDL2_LIB.}
Clear the error message for the current thread.