
AVbin is a binary release of a cross-platform, thin wrapper around Libav’s video and audio decoding library, providing long-term binary compatibility for applications and languages that need it.

AVbin procedures and objects

To open a file and prepare it for decoding, the general procedure is:

  • (Optionally) call avbin.have_feature() to check which features are available. This is only needed if your application may be deployed in environments with older versions of AVbin than you are developing to.
  • Initialize AVbin by calling avbin.init_options()
  • Open a sound or video file using avbin.open_filename()
  • Retrieve details of the file using avbin.file_info(). The resulting AVbinFileInfo structure includes details such as:
    • Start time and duration
    • Number of audio and video streams
    • Metadata such as title, artist, etc.
  • Examine details of each stream using avbin.stream_info(), passing in each stream index as an integer from 0 to n_streams.

    For video streams, the AVbinStreamInfo structure includes:

    • Video width and height, in pixels
    • Pixel aspect ratio, expressed as a fraction

    For audio streams, the structure includes:

    • Sample rate, in Hz
    • Bits per sample
    • Channels (monoaural, stereo, or multichannel surround)
  • For each stream you intend to decode, call avbin.open_stream().

When all information has been determined and the streams are open, you can proceed to read and decode the file:

  • Call avbin.read() to read a packet of data from the file.
  • Examine the resulting AVbinPacket structure for the stream_index, which indicates how the packet should be decoded. If the stream is not one that you have opened, you can discard the packet and continue with step 1 again.
  • To decode an audio packet, repeatedly pass the data within the packet to avbin.decode_audio(), until there is no data left to consume or an error is returned.
  • To decode a video packet, pass the data within the packet to avbin.decode_video(), which will decode a single image in RGB format.
  • Synchronise audio and video data by observing the AVbinPacket.timestamp member.

When decoding is complete, call avbin.close_stream() on each stream and avbin.close_file() on the open file.


AVbinResult = enum
Error-checked procedure result.
AVbinStreamType = enum
Type of a stream; currently only video and audio streams are supported.
AVbinSampleFormat = enum
  AVBIN_SAMPLE_FORMAT_U8 = 0,   ## Unsigned byte
  AVBIN_SAMPLE_FORMAT_S16 = 1,  ## Signed 16-bit integer
  AVBIN_SAMPLE_FORMAT_UNUSED = 2, ## Signed 24-bit integer  \
                               ## `AVBIN_SAMPLE_FORMAT_S24` removed upstream.
                               ## Removed here in AVbin 11
  AVBIN_SAMPLE_FORMAT_S32 = 3,  ## Signed 32-bit integer
  AVBIN_SAMPLE_FORMAT_FLOAT = 4 ## 32-bit IEEE floating-point
The sample format for audio data.
AVbinLogLevel = enum
Threshold of logging verbosity.
AVbinFile = pointer
Opaque open file handle.
AVbinStream = pointer
Opaque open stream handle.
AVbinTimestamp = int64
Point in time, or a time range; given in microseconds.
AVbinFileInfo = object
  structureSize*: csize        ## Size of this structure, in bytes. \
                      ## This must be filled in by the application before passing to AVbin.
  nStreams*: int32             ## Number of streams contained in the file.
  startTime*: AVbinTimestamp   ## Starting time of all streams.
  duration*: AVbinTimestamp    ## Duration of the file. \
                          ## Does not include the time given in ``startTime``.
  title*: array[512, char] ## File metadata \
                        ## Strings are NUL-terminated and may be omitted
                        ## (the first character `\0`) if the file does not contain appropriate
                        ## information. The encoding of the strings is unspecified.
  author*: array[512, char]
  copyright*: array[512, char]
  comment*: array[512, char]
  album*: array[512, char]
  year*: int32
  track*: int32
  genre*: array[32, char]
File details. The info struct is filled in by avbin.get_file_info().
AVbinStreamVideo = object
  width*: uint32
  height*: uint32              ## Height of the video image, in pixels.
  sampleAspectNum*: uint32
  sampleAspectDen*: uint32     ## Aspect-ratio of each pixel. \
                         ## The aspect is given by dividing
                         ## ``sampleAspectNum`` by ``sampleAspectDen``.
  frameRateDen*: uint32
  frameRateNum*: uint32        ## Frame rate, in frames per second. \
                      ## The frame rate is given by  dividing
                      ## ``frameRateNum by ``frameRateDen``.
                      ## ``Version 8`` requires ``frame_rate`` feature.
                      ## ``REMOVED IN VERSION 11`` - see note on ``avbin.have_feature()``.
Width of the video image, in pixels. This is the width of actual video data, and is not necessarily the size the video is to be displayed at (see sampleAspectNum).
AVbinStreamAudio = object
  sampleFormat*: AVbinSampleFormat
  sampleRate*: uint32          ## Number of samples per second, in Hz.
  sampleBits*: uint32          ## Number of bits per sample; typically `8` or `16`.
  channels*: uint32 ## Number of interleaved audio channels. \\
                  ## Typically `1` for monoaural, `2` for stereo. Higher channel numbers
                  ## are used for surround sound, however AVbin does not currently provide
                  ## a way to access the arrangement of these channels.
Data type of audio samples.
AVbinStreamObj = object {.
.} video*: AVbinStreamVideo audio*: AVbinStreamAudio
AVbinStreamInfo = object
  structureSize*: csize        ## Size of this structure, in bytes. \
                      ## This must be filled in by the  application before passing to AVbin.
  `type`*: AVbinStreamType     ## The type of stream; either audio or video.
  stream*: AVbinStreamObj
Stream details. A stream is a single audio track or video. Most audio files contain one audio stream. Most video files contain one audio stream and one video stream. More than one audio stream may indicate the presence of multiple languages which can be selected (however at this time AVbin does not provide language information).
AVbinStreamVideo8 = object
  width*: uint32
  height*: uint32              ## Height of the video image, in pixels.
  sampleAspectNum*: uint32
  sampleAspectDen*: uint32     ## Aspect-ratio of each pixel.
                         ## The aspect is given by dividing
                         ## ``sampleAspectNum`` by ``sampleAspectDen``.
  frameRateNum*: uint32
  frameRateDen*: uint32        ## Frame rate, in frames per second. \
                      ## The frame rate is given by dividing
                      ## ``frameRateNum`` by ``frameRateDen``.
                      ## ``Version 8`` requires ``frameRate`` extension.
Width of the video image, in pixels. This is the width of actual video data, and is not necessarily the size the video is to be displayed at (see sampleAspectNum).
AVbinStreamAudio8 = object
  sampleFormat*: AVbinSampleFormat
  sampleRate*: uint32          ## Number of samples per second, in Hz.
  sampleBits*: uint32          ## Number of bits per sample; typically `8` or `16`.
  channels*: uint32 ## Number of interleaved audio channels.
                  ## Typically `1` for monoaural, `2` for stereo. Higher channel numbers
                  ## are used for surround sound, however AVbin does not currently provide
                  ## a way to access the arrangement of these channels.
Data type of audio samples.
AVbinStreamObj8 = object {.
.} video*: AVbinStreamVideo8 audio*: AVbinStreamAudio8
AVbinStreamInfo8 = object
  structureSize*: csize        ## Size of this structure, in bytes. \
                      ## This must be filled in by the  application before passing to AVbin.
  `type`*: AVbinStreamType     ## The type of stream; either audio or video.
  stream*: AVbinStreamObj8
Stream details, version 8. A stream is a single audio track or video. Most audio files contain one audio stream. Most video files contain one audio stream and one video stream. More than one audio stream may indicate the presence of multiple languages which can be selected (however at this time AVbin does not provide language information).
AVbinPacket = object
  structureSize*: csize        ## Size of this structure, in bytes. \
                      ## This must be filled in by the application before passing to AVbin.
  timestamp*: AVbinTimestamp   ## The time at which this packet is to be \
                           ## played. This can be used to synchronise audio and video data.
  streamIndex*: uint32         ## The stream this packet contains data for.
  data*: ptr uint8
  size*: csize
A single packet of stream data. \ The structure size must be initialised before passing to avbin.read(). The data will point to a block of memory allocated by AVbin -- you must not free it. The data will be valid until the next time you call avbin.read(), or until the file is closed.
AVbinInfo = object
  structureSize*: csize ## Size of this structure, in bytes.
                      ##  This will be filled in for you by ``avbin.get_info()`` so that you
                      ##  can determine which version of this struct  you have received.
                      ##  For example:
                      ##  .. code-block:: nim
                      ##    var info: ptr AVbinInfo = avbin.get_info()
                      ##    if info.structureSize == sizeof(AVbinInfo)
                      ##    # You are safe to access the members of an AVbinInfo...
  version*: int32 ## AVbin version as an integer.  \
                ## This value is the same as returned by the ``avbin.get_version()``
                ## procedure.  Consider using ``versionString`` instead.
  versionString*: cstring      ## AVbin version string, \
                        ## including pre-release information, i.e. "10-beta1".
  buildDate*: cstring          ## When the library was built, \
                    ## in strftime format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z"
  repo*: cstring               ## URL to the AVbin repository used.
  commit*: cstring             ## The commit of the AVbin repository used.
  backend*: cstring            ## Which backend we are using: "libav" or "ffmpeg"
  backendVersionString*: cstring ## The version string  \
                               ## of the most recent tag of the backend.
                               ## ``Note:`` There may be custom patches *on top* of the backend version.
  backendRepo*: cstring        ## URL to the backend repository \
                      ## used for this release.
  backendCommit*: cstring      ## The commit hash of the backend repo \
                        ## used for the backend.
Information about the AVbin library. See avbin.get_info()
AVbinOptions = object
  structureSize*: csize        ## Size of this structure, in bytes. \
                      ## This must be filled in by the  application before passing to AVbin.
  threadCount*: int32 ## Number of threads to attempt to use.  \
                    ## Using the recommended ``threadCount`` of `0` means try to detect
                    ## the number of CPU cores and set threads to (num cores + 1).
                    ## A ``threadCount`` of `1` or a negative number means single threaded.
                    ## Any other number will result in an attempt to set that many threads.
Initialization Options
AVbinLogCallback = proc (module: cstring; level: AVbinLogLevel; message: cstring) {.

Callback for log information.

module The name of the module where this message originated

level The log verbosity level of this message

message The formatted message. The message may or may not contain newline characters.


proc getVersion(): int32 {.
cdecl, importc: "avbin_get_version", dynlib: AVBIN_LIB

Get the linked version of AVbin.

Version numbers are always integer, there are no "minor" or "patch" revisions. All AVbin versions are backward and forward compatible, modulo the required feature set.

proc getInfo(): ptr AVbinInfo {.
cdecl, importc: "avbin_get_info", dynlib: AVBIN_LIB

Get information about the linked version of AVbin.

See the AVbinInfo definition.

proc getFFmpegRevision(): int32 {.
deprecated, cdecl, importc: "avbin_get_ffmpeg_revision", dynlib: AVBIN_LIB

Get the SVN revision of FFmpeg.

This is built into AVbin as it is built.

DEPRECATED: Use avbin.getLibavCommit() or avbin.getLibavVersion() instead.

This always returns 0 now that we use Libav from Git. This procedure will be removed in AVbin 12.

proc getAudioBufferSize(): csize {.
deprecated, cdecl, importc: "avbin_get_audio_buffer_size", dynlib: AVBIN_LIB

Get the minimum audio buffer size, in bytes.

DEPRECATED: Why is this even here? It just returns the number 192000. It has been removed upstream, so we'll remove it as well some time soon.

proc haveFeature(feature: cstring): int32 {.
cdecl, importc: "avbin_have_feature", dynlib: AVBIN_LIB

Determine if AVbin includes a requested feature.

When future versions of AVbin include more functionality, that functionality can be tested for by calling this procedure. The following features can be tested for:

  • "frame_rate" - AVbinStreamInfo8, frameRate variables.
  • "options" - avbin.initOptions(), AVbinOptions (multi-threading)
  • "info" - avbin.getInfo(), AVbinInfo

NOTE: The "frame_rate" feature was available in versions 9 and 10, but removed in version 11. Populating rFrameRate was considered an unreliable hack upstream and removed. If you try to access it in the upstream library, it is always {0, 0}. Perhaps we can find a different source of frame rate and re-enable this feature in the future.

Return 1 The feature is present, or 0 otherwise.

proc init(): AVbinResult {.
cdecl, importc: "avbin_init", dynlib: AVBIN_LIB

One of the avbin.init* procedures must be called before opening a file to initialize AVbin. Check the return value for success before continuing.

Initialize AVbin with basic features. Consider instead avbin.initOptions()

proc initOptions(options: ptr AVbinOptions): AVbinResult {.
cdecl, importc: "avbin_init_options", dynlib: AVBIN_LIB

One of the avbin.init* procedures must be called before opening a file to initialize AVbin. Check the return value for success before continuing.

Initialize AVbin with options.

options If nil, use defaults. Otherwise create and populate an instance of AVbinOptions to supply.

proc setLogLevel(level: AVbinLogLevel): AVbinResult {.
cdecl, importc: "avbin_set_log_level", dynlib: AVBIN_LIB
Set the log level verbosity.
proc setLogCallback(callback: AVbinLogCallback): AVbinResult {.
cdecl, importc: "avbin_set_log_callback", dynlib: AVBIN_LIB
Set a custom log callback. By default, log messages are printed to standard error. Providing a nil callback restores this default handler.
proc openFilename(filename: cstring): AVbinFile {.
cdecl, importc: "avbin_open_filename", dynlib: AVBIN_LIB

Open a media file given its filename.

Return nil if the file could not be opened, or is not of a recognised file format.

proc openFilenameWithFormat(filename: cstring; format: cstring): AVbinFile {.
cdecl, importc: "avbin_open_filename_with_format", dynlib: AVBIN_LIB

Open a media file given its filename and format.

Return nil if the file could not be opened, or is not of a recognised file format.

proc closeFile(file: AVbinFile) {.
cdecl, importc: "avbin_close_file", dynlib: AVBIN_LIB
Close a media file.
proc seekFile(file: AVbinFile; timestamp: AVbinTimestamp): AVbinResult {.
cdecl, importc: "avbin_seek_file", dynlib: AVBIN_LIB

Seek to a timestamp within a file.

For video files, the first keyframe before the requested timestamp will be seeked to. For audio files, the first audio packet before the requested timestamp is used.

proc fileInfo(file: AVbinFile; info: ptr AVbinFileInfo): AVbinResult {.
cdecl, importc: "avbin_file_info", dynlib: AVBIN_LIB

Get information about the opened file.

The info struct must be allocated by the application and have its structureSize member filled in correctly. On return, the structure will be filled with file details.

proc streamInfo(file: AVbinFile; streamIndex: int32; info: ptr AVbinStreamInfo): AVbinResult {.
cdecl, importc: "avbin_stream_info", dynlib: AVBIN_LIB

Get information about a stream within the file.

The info struct must be allocated by the application and have its structureSize member filled in correctly. On return, the structure will be filled with stream details.

Ensure that streamIndex is less than nStreams given in the file info.

file The file to examine.

streamIndex The number of the stream within the file.

info Returned stream information.

proc openStream(file: AVbinFile; streamIndex: int32): AVbinStream {.
cdecl, importc: "avbin_open_stream", dynlib: AVBIN_LIB

Open a stream for decoding.

If you intend to decode audio or video from a file, you must open the stream first. The returned opaque handle should be passed to the relevant decode procedure when a packet for that stream is read.

Return pointer to the AVbinStream, or nil if there are any problems.

proc closeStream(stream: AVbinStream) {.
cdecl, importc: "avbin_close_stream", dynlib: AVBIN_LIB
Close a file stream.
proc read(file: AVbinFile; packet: ptr AVbinPacket): AVbinResult {.
cdecl, importc: "avbin_read", dynlib: AVBIN_LIB

Read a packet from the file.

The packet struct must be allocated by the application and have its structure_size member filled in correctly. On return, the structure will be filled with a packet of data. The actual data pointer within the packet must not be freed, and is valid until the next call to avbin.read().

Applications should examine the packet's stream index to match it with an appropriate open stream handle, or discard it if none match. The packet data can then be passed to the relevant decode procedure.

proc decodeAudio(stream: AVbinStream; dataIn: ptr uint8; sizeIn: csize;
                dataOut: ptr uint8; sizeOut: ptr cint): int32 {.
cdecl, importc: "avbin_decode_audio", dynlib: AVBIN_LIB

Decode some audio data.

You must ensure that dataOut is at least as big as the minimum audio buffer size (see avbin.getAudioBufferSize()).

stream The stream to decode.

dataIn Incoming data, as read from a packet.

sizeIn Size of dataIn, in bytes.

dataOut Decoded audio data buffer, provided by application.

sizeOut Number of bytes of dataOut used.

Return the number of bytes of dataIn actually used, or -1 if there was an error. You should call this procedure repeatedly as long as the return value is greater than 0.

proc decodeVideo(stream: AVbinStream; dataIn: ptr uint8; sizeIn: csize;
                dataOut: ptr uint8): int32 {.
cdecl, importc: "avbin_decode_video", dynlib: AVBIN_LIB

Decode a video frame image.

The size of dataOut must be large enough to hold the entire image. This is width * height * 3 (images are always in 8-bit RGB format).

stream The stream to decode.

dataIn Incoming data, as read from a packet.

sizeIn Size of dataIn, in bytes.

dataOut Decoded image data.

Return the number of bytes of dataIn actually used. Any remaining bytes can be discarded, or -1 if there was an error